Civil Engineering at the Threshold of the 21st Century: Focus on the Emerging Professional Environment
The development of America's surface transportation into the 21st century confronts the civil engineer with a distinctively new challenge arising from the twin demands of...

Implementing a State PMS
Arizona State Pavement Management System (PMS) is described in this paper. Experience shows that many factors must be considered in deciding how to maintain a particular mile of the road...

AASHTO Design Concepts
The AASHO Road Test of 1958-60 grew out of a need to quantify the effects of increasingly heavier axle and gross loads and varying wheel load configurations on the performance of this...

Future Federal Pavement Policy
Pavement design is entering a new era of increased attention and research insight. Since most of our pavements are in place and under traffic, much of future design will be for their rehabilitation...

America's Changing Demographics: Impacts on Transportation Requirements
Present and future demographic changes in the United States will significantly impact future transportation requirements. These changes include a redistribution of the nation's...

21ST Century T2 for Local Transportation Managers
A plausible scenario to 21st Century technology transfer for local road and street managers is presented. The future needs of local managers and their level of expertise is addressed within...

What Will Happen to Local Rural Roads and Bridges
Much of the local rural road and bridge system was not designed for the heavy trucks and farm equipment that are currently using the system. The system will continue to deteriorate unless...

Future Challenges for the Municipal Engineer
This paper acknowledges the role of the municipal engineer as constantly evolving and with even more changes in the future. Factors influencing these changes are the federal deficit, the...

An Essential Municipal Tool?The Residential Street Guide
This paper presents the residential street design guide. The purpose in presenting residential street design considerations is to call attention to a broad range of factors which should...

Innovation?The Key to Local Roads Survival
The pressure of trying to get the job done within a limited budget have forced innovations in field operations to support local roads systems. This paper lists a few examples of innovations...

Highway Facility Planning for the 21st Century
This paper deals with the highway facility planning for the 21st century. Some of the forces that likely will influence transportation in the 21st Century are: the availability of energy,...

Advanced Heavy Vehicle Management Systems
This paper describes a program designed to bring to bear emerging technologies in an integrated system to facilitate heavy vehicle management (HVM). One major initiative is the Heavy Vehicle...

Financing Highways in the 21st Century
The Nation's sustained economic growth will depend heavily on productivity increases and efficient transport infrastructure is a key component. Future population and travel...

Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System
The Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System (AVCCS) is being developed to solve capacity problems on major urban highways using automation and current technology. The objective of...

Future of Quality Assurance
There is an increasing awareness by the State highway agencies of the need for quality in construction. In addition, there is a recognition that quality management programs can be beneficial...

Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Research Findings
A study to improve the procedures for evaluating and rehabilitating concrete pavements was undertaken in 1985. Field and analytical studies have facilitated a new knowledge and understanding...

Safety on 21st Century Highways
Consistently high geometric design standards, adequate pavement skid resistance, drainage and markings, and appropriate signing, delineation and lighting all reduce the potential for driver...

Program on Advanced Technology for the Highway (PATH)
This paper describes a program of research, development and demonstration of advanced technologies for the automobile/highway system created in California, under the general direction...

Roadside Safety Design for the Micro-Mini Vehicles
This paper summarizes the results of a study to evaluate the impact performance of widely used roadside safety elements for a 1,500 lb vehicle and to identify potential modifications that...

CARTS: Next Generation in Vehicle Safety Research
The California Automotive Research Test Site (CARTS), is a new joint test facility for use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the University of California at...





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