Indian River Inlet: Is There a Solution?
Man-made changes at Indian River inlet, Delaware, have occurred over the past 6 decades. During this period the tidal prism of the Indian River-Rehoboth Bays system has increased along...

McCormick Bridge Scour Evaluation?A Case Study of a Tidal Bridge
Although the Federal Highway Authority has implemented procedures for bridge scour analysis in their HEC-18 publication, they do not indicate a procedure for scour depth determination...

A Tidal Inlet Bridge Scour Assessment Model
Undermining of bridge structures constructed in tidal inlets is a common problem. Scour mechanisms in tidal inlets are often complex combinations of local contraction and regional tidal...

Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling with a Computer Graphics System
For more than a decade various divisions and district offices of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have been active in the development of graphic information system databases and computer...

Halloween Wave Transformation Near Virginia Coast
The Halloween Northeaster of October 29-31, 1991 generated a unique severe sea. The storm waves propagated through two wave stations which are 87 km apart. The wave spectra of the storm...

Debris Flows in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: Magnitude, Frequency and Effects on the Colorado River
Debris flows are recurrent sediment-transport processes in 525 tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Arizona. Initiated by slope failures in bedrock and (or) colluvium during...

Hydraulic Aspects of a Low-Velocity, Inclined Fish Screen
The Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project diverts up to 310 cfs from Van Arsdale Reservoir on the Eel River in north-central California and delivers it to Potter Valley for power production...

Regulation of Flow Downstream of Weirs
Reregulation weirs are one means adopted by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide continuous improved minimum flow and wetted area for aquatic life downstream if hydroprojects...

Determination of Hydraulic Roughness for Concrete-Lined, Supercritical Channels
A channel verification program has been initiated by the US Army Engineer District, Los Angeles to determine the hydraulic roughness of flow in a concrete channel. Specifically, this study...

Tetrapods as a Scour Countermeasure
Few materials have been studied for their effectiveness in protecting bridge piers and abutments from local scour other than riprap. Recent research conducted at the FHWA research facility...

Variations Encountered in Design Analysis of Local Scour at Drop Structures
Proper design of drop structures can prevent failure due to scour at upstream structures, like bridges. An important aspect of drop-structure design is the prediction of the local scour...

Salt Transport in a Tidal Canal, West Neck Creek, Virginia
Flow and stability were monitored during 1989-92 in West Neck Creek, Virginia, which provides a direct hydraulic connection between the saline waters of Chesapeake Bay and the relatively...

Wind Induced Circulation in Shallow Lakes
Clear Lake is a relatively shallow lake in Northern California. Natural flows are small but at times they do transport heavy metals into the lake. In order to predict water quality constituent...

Urban Storm Water Instrumentation: a Field Observation
The Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas metroplex has 7 cities with populations of at least 100,000 that are required to meet national Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements...

Water-Level, Velocity, and Dye Measurements in the Chicago Tunnels
On April 13, 1992, a section of a 100-year-old underground freight tunnel in downtown Chicago, Illinois was breached where the tunnel crosses under the Chicago River, about 15 meters below...

Variation of Froude Number with Discharge for Large-Gradient Streams
Under chemical-control conditions, the Froude number (f) for a cross-section can be approximated as a function of the ratio R2/ 3/d...

Riprap Design at Bridges?Factor of Safety Approach
The factor of safety method offers a physically based methodology for design of riprap that relates the applied shear stress on the channel boundary to the stability of the riprap layer....

Scour Retrofit Case Studies for Arizona
Scour retrofit involves a coordinated analysis and joint determination of action by several engineering disciplines: typically, geotechnical, hydraulic and structural engineering. The...

Comparison of Advective Transport Algorithms with an Application in Suisun Bay, a Sub-Embayment of San Francisco Bay, California
This paper examines the conservative properties of several numerical treatments of the salt conservation equation. Specifically, computationally efficient first and second order Eulerian-Lagrangian...

Gully Intrusion on Reclaimed Disposal Sites
A three-phase gully erosion study was initiated at the Engineering Research Center of Colorado State University, in cooperation with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The objective...





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