Quarry Techniques for Dimensional Breakwater Stone
On the Texas Gulf Coast, there has evolved a unique design for breakwater and jetty structures. The Galveston District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the designer of these structures,...

Quarry Inspection: A Geological Perspective
The need to use durable rock in building projects is becoming more critical as the costs of labor and materials rise. The Steering Committee of the 1991 Quarried Rock For Rubble Mound...

Recent Experience With Armor Stone Cracking in the Buffalo District
Accelerated deterioration of large armor stone on the Cleveland East Breakwater, Cleveland, Ohio has resulted in the need for more intensive monitoring of the entire armor stone production...

The 1984 Major Rehab of the Muskegon Harbor, MI South Breakwater: An Extreme Example of Misguided Design of a Stone Structure
It can be inferred from the Shore Protection Manual that the stability of any coastal structure is increased in proportion to the weights of the armorstones. The south breakwater at Muskegon...

The Design and Construction of Shuikou Project RCC Diversion Wall
Shuikou Hydroelectric Project, currently under construction on the Minjiang River in the People's Republic of China is a concrete gravity dam having a maximum height of 101...

RCC Dam Construction?A Contractor's View
A contractor's view of RCC dam construction is presented. It begins with the principal construction elements and the challenge created by their interrelationships. Men and...

Design of Pena Colorada Tailings Retention Dam
This paper discusses the details involved in the design of a 66 meter high RCC dam to be used to create storage for slurry from an iron ore mining operation located near Manzanillo, Mexico....

Thermal Analysis for RCC?A Practical Approach
Roller compacted concrete (RCC) structures, by nature of the construction method, tend to be monolithic structures or structures with minimal contraction jointing. Recurring questions...

Durability of Stone for Rubble Mound Breakwaters
This proceedings, Durability of Stone for Rubble Mound Breakwaters, contains papers presented at the workshop of the same title held in Cleveland,...

Principles of Holistic Medicine Applied to Infrastructure Maintenance: A Test Case
A humorous consideration of the question of whether holistic medicine�that is, the treatment of the entire physical and emotional configuration of the patient instead of the solely medical...

Sea Defence System at Herne Bay, England
This paper reviews the investigations carried out into the design of the proposed now sea defences fronting the central area of Herne Bay on the North kent coast. The existing defences...

An Overview of Segmented Offshore/Headland Breakwater Projects Constructed by the Buffalo District
Since 1977 the Buffalo District has constructed three segmented offshore breakwater projects and currently has one under construction. In addition, the District has recently completed...

Field Monitoring of a Modular Detached Breakwater System
A pair of modular concrete detached breakwaters was installed at a site on the New Jersey shore. This paper describes an eighteen month field monitoring program of the beach response to...

Bay Ridge, Anne Arundel County, Maryland Offshore Breakwater and Beach Fill Design
Construction of the Bay Ridge shoreline protection project was completed in July 1991 and consists of eleven offshore segmented breakwaters with beach fill. The breakwaters, located about...

Chesapeake Bay Field Modeling and Monitoring Projects
'Traditional' erosion control measures often do not meet the corps of Engineers' requirement for economic justification. The costs of these measures are much greater than the benefits...

Application of a Beach Plan Evolution Model in Sergipe, Brazil
An offshore breakwater 543 m long located at about 2.4 km from the shore at 10 m of water depth (above chart datums) provides protection to a liquid bulk terminal (Terminal Portuarlo de...

Articulating Block Mat Revetment for Whaler's Village
The desire of homeowners to live along the California coastline presents the engineer with many unique design opportunities and constraints. Housing built atop coastal cliffs and bluffs...

Observation of the Post-Construction Performance of a System of Groins along an Eroding Beach
A system of six groins was constructed along an eroding coast of reversing sediment transport. This paper describes the performance of the groin system in terms of the evolution of the...

Laupahoehoe Harbor Planning, Design, & Construction
Laupahoehoe Harbor provides access to the fertile fishing grounds along the northeast or Hamakua coast of the island of Hawaii, Hawaii. The planning, design, and construction of Laupahoehoe...

Harbour Development in Southern Part of Thailand
Fishery ports located along the river mouthes in southern part of Thailand were developed by improving their navigation channel to provide acessibility of fishery boats to travel all year....





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