Simulation of Contaminant Migration Under Conditions of Declining Ground Water Levels
A ground water flow and transport model was developed to simulate the migration of contaminants originating from an industrial site. The development and calibration of the model were based...

Reservoir Regulation and Real-Time Models for Trinity River Flood Prevention and Control
After unprecedented flooding from the Spring of 1989 through 1991 in the Trinity River basin, the Texas legislature allocated funds for flood related studies in Senate Bill 1543 (1991)....

A Method for Conducting Real Time Flood Forecast
In this paper, first, it explains about the real time flood forecast which must be conducted at rivers in Japan. Next, as a means to an end, it is proposing the utilization of runoff computation...

Comprehensive Stormwater Management Planning
Prince William County, Virginia and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region III, are implementing an interagency, interdisciplinary stormwater management demonstration project....

National Weather Service Operational River Forecasting in a UNIX Environment
The mission of the National Weather Service (NWS) includes providing river and flood forecasts and warnings for protection of life and property, and providing basic hydrologic forecast...

National Weather Service Interactive River Forecasting Using State, Parameter, and Data Modifications
Interactive flood and river flow forecasting using the National Weather Service Interactive Forecast Program (IFP) is outlined. The IFP is an extension of the National Weather Service...

Snow Estimation?A GIS Application for Water Resources Forecasting
In the Western United States approximately 75 percent of the annual runoff results from snowmelt. Observations of the snow cover provide an important source of information for forecasting...

A National System for Threshold Runoff Estimation
Threshold runoff is the amount of effective (or excess) rainfall of a given duration uniformly distributed over a certain catchment that is just enough to cause flooding at the outlet...

Storm Sewer Analysis & Design Utilizing Hydrographs
In this paper a computer model, designated STORM.HYD, for the analysis and design of storm sewer systems utilizing a hydrograph procedure is presented and discussed. This model which actually...

Decision Support System for Water Supply Management
Water supply management is one area in which subjective decision making becomes necessary. Knowledge based decision support system is proposed for use in operation and management of an...

Prediction of Water Availability in River Headwaters and Control of Facility Water Demand in Response to River Flows
As part of the permitting and design of a power plant, the ability to supply cooling water subject to permit and availability constraints was investigated. As a first step, a synthetic...

Development of an Expert System for Urban Runoff
The U.S. EPA's Storm Water Management Model, SWMM, (Version 4.20, 1988) is a comprehensive water quality and quantity mathematical model for simulation of urban runoff in storm and combined...

River Characteristics of the Blue Nile Watershed
A common difficulty in modeling hydrological systems is the lack of available field data to assess the model parameters. In some cases, it is physically very difficult and expensive to...

Orange River?System Analysis
The Orange River drains the largest basin in Africa south of the Zambezi with a total catchment area of approximately 1 million km2. Due to the increasing...

Linear Pertubation Model: An Application to Tanzanian Catchments
Floods are still a problem to many countries in the world todate. Floods do cause damage to property and sometimes loss to human life. Flood control measures by structural and non-structural...

A Sharp-Interface Salt Water Intrusion Code for Layered Aquifer Systems
This paper presents a quasi three dimensional, sharp-interface code that simulates salt water intrusion problems in layered aquifer systems. Efficient and robust numerical schemes make...

Verification Tests for Transport Modeling in Coastal Aquifers
The U.S. Geological Survey three dimensional Heat and Solute Transport (HST3D) model is used to simulate fate and transport of dissolved contaminant in coastal aquifers. The model originally...

HEC's Project Benefit Accomplishment Program
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed a new computer program which computes flood damage and project benefit accomplishment. It calculates...

Flow Augmentation in the Fenholloway River Basin
Methods to enhance water quality were examined in a north Florida river basin containing industrial wastewater effluent from a paper pulp mill. Streamflow augmentation was determined to...

Management of Supply Canals in a Rotation Irrigation System
Management of the water supply canals in a rotation irrigation system can affect the uniformity of water delivery to farms. Different management procedures are needed, depending on the...





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