Maintenance Levels of Service Guidelines
Maintenance levels of service define the threshold physical conditions that indicate a need for maintenance and repair activities and prescribe restored conditions after maintenance is...

Watershed Management in 1985
Today's technology in subalpine watershed management is based on carefully designed watershed experiments beginning with Wagon Wheel Gap in 1909. Subsequent advances in process...

International and Educational Aspects of Watershed Management
International donor agencies involved in furnishing technical and economic assistance for increasing food and fiber production are focusing their attention towards rain-fed agricultural...

South Branch Rockaway Storm Water Management Study
The Division of Water Resources of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Hunterdon Soil Conservation District, the United States Department of Agriculture's...

Crown Corporation Approach to Watershed Management
On July 1, 1984, the Government of Saskatchewan proclaimed the Water Corporation Act. The Act formed the legislative basis for the newly formed Saskatchewan Water Corporation and ushered...

Simulation of Natural Resource Systems
Desertification, defined as the loss in productive capacity of the land, has spawned research in decision making involving multi-objective situations. In this study, computer simulation...

Modeling Off-Site Impacts
The off-site impacts of a flood water control program were evaluated by applying the SWRRB (Simulation of Water Resources on Rural Basins) model to a treated basin, primarily agricultural,...

Computer Impacts on Water Resources Engineering
Computation capability has increased by a factor of one million over the past 30 years and has contributed greatly toward data management and the application of available technology to...

Computers in a Planning Context: Another Reality
Over the past twenty years water resources planning has seen a great increase in the development of computer methods of analysis. This has transformed the way the hydrology, hydraulics,...

Geographic and Spatial Data Management and Modeling
A geographic information system is a computer based technology for storing and using spatial data. Many alternative methodologies exist for managing the three general types of spatial...

A Micro-Computer GIS for Water Resources Planning
Recent developments in micro-computers have enabled water resources engineers to utilize advanced computer methods and interactive color graphics for the analysis and planning of water...

Water Resources Applications of OCAP--Ohio's CNRIS
The Ohio Capability Analysis Program (OCAP) is a computer-based natural resources information system (CNRIS) operated since 1973 by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. The three...

Geographic Information Systems: A Planning Tool
Geographic Information Systems provide an opportunity for water resource planners to examine potential impacts of proposed plans early in the study process. Conflicts can be identified...

Storage Projection for Reservoir Systems
Two methods are studied for determining the probability distribution of future levels of storage in a reservoir system: transient analysis and Gould's probability matrix method....

Stochastic Modeling of Mean Areal Precipitation for Generating Synthetic Streamflows
Statistical precipitation models used as input to conceptual hydrologic models, offer an alternative mechanism for simulating streamflow. In sparsely gauged catchments, or areas where...

Applications of Spreadsheets in Water Resources
This paper describes two applications of the spreadsheet MULTIPLAN to water resources problems. Applications include statistical analysis of water resources data and design of a stormwater...

Mathematical Modeling of Ground Water Flow
Many numerical algorithms for ground water flow models have been published and are available in computer software packages. It is the job of the ground water specialist to select an appropriate...

Simulation of Groundwater Flows in Leaky Multi-Layered Aquifer
A newly developed computational methodology for simulating the groundwater flows in multi-layered aquifer is presented. The model is based on the finite element method following the Galerkin's...

Analysis of Unsaturated Flow Beneath a Landfill
Using the linearized theory of flow in unsaturated porous media, a mathematical model was developed to study the distribution and extent of unsaturated flow from a source of infiltration...

Groundwater Models: Converting Research Developments into Practical Applications
One method of bridging the gap between code developer and code applier is through separate user-friendly computer programs called preprocessors that prepare data before execution of the...





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