Retrofitting Lifeline Facilities: The Japanese Approach
A brief history of the prediction of a major earthquake in the Tokai Area of Japan is reviewed. Planning and mitigation incorporating all levels of government and the private sector is...

Intermountain Power Project Seismic Design
Coal-fueled generation units of the Intermountain Power Project are constructed in a seismically active area of Utah (UBC Zone 3). The seismic design criteria were published during the...

Prefab Power
The Love Hydroelectric Generating Station, owned by the city of Vanceburg, Ohio, was prefabricated in France complete with all components, brought across the Atlantic and towed to Greenup...

Ocean Energy
The Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) component nominated this year as an ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement involves the most critical design problem; the cold water...

Hydro Power
The Kerckhoff 2 Hydroelectric Power Projects adds 140 MW to the capacity of the San Francisco area's Pacific Gas & Electric system. No new dam was needed; only a 4-mile...

Energy Recovery
In Albany, N.Y. the state and city cooperated in designing and building a refuse-into-steam energy plant that has several unique features. In most such facilities, the entire plant is...

A Systematic Approach to Conducting Seismic Margin Reviews for Nuclear Power Plants
Deviations from the current codes and standards are considered acceptable in a SMR in areas where the design criteria impose significant conservatism provided the intended function of...

Seismic Qualification of Main Control Boards by Combined Mathematical Model and In-situ Modal Test
By adjusting the stiffness of the model, mode shapes and frequencies can be matched to those from the in-situ tests, thus giving a verified and representative model. With the verified...

Seismic Evaluation of Non-Seismically Designed Existing Magnox Nuclear Power Plants
Special procedures included on-site testing with a portable shake table, low vibration testing using a structural dynamics analyser, and on-site inspections. The low vibration testing...

A Summary of the Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) Program
In 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) designated Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46 to address the seismic safety of equipment in operating nuclear power plants. In 1982, the...

Update on Impact Effects in Nuclear Plants Part III?Review of Heavy Object Drop
The consequences of an accidental drop of a heavy component from a lifting device in a nuclear power plant are required to be evaluated even though the device may have been designed using...

Probabilistic Analysis of Impact Loading Conditions
Probabilistic methods are developed for the analysis of random impact loading conditions that arise from oblique, noncollinear, and spinning missile impacts. Models are developed for the...

Behavior of an Operating Floor Subjected to Heavy Load Drops
A structural evaluation of the behavior of a Boiling Water Reactor operating floor subjected to postulated heavy load impact is presented relative to the evaluation of nuclear industry...

Computer-Aided Load Monitoring System for Nuclear Power Plant Steel Framing Structures
The design of nuclear power plant steel framing structures is a long and involved process. It is often complicated by numerous changes in design loads as a result of additions, deletions...

Computer-Aided Design (Seismic Qualification) of Cable Tray Support System ? CADSTrays
A computer system for the analysis and design of cable tray hangers for nuclear power generating plants is discussed. An interactive language for the CADSTrayS was developed. Application...

Sensitivity of Peak Dynamic Responses to Input Factors
Responses have been calculated for the Zion Unit 1 plant, using the SSMRP computer code SMACS, as part of the seismic probabilistic risk assessment performed by the Seismic Safety Margins...

Treatment of Design and Construction Errors in PRA
The risk estimates developed in a PRA should allow for potential design and construction errors. These errors generally modify the component responses and fragilities. Since most design...

Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Masonry Walls
Masonry walls in operating nuclear plants are in many cases found to be overstressed in terms of allowable stresses when evaluated using current seismic design criteria. However, experimental...

The Use of Joint Reinforcement in Qualifying Masonry Walls in Nuclear Power Plants
Wire joint reinforcement has been traditionally used in block masonry walls for crack control and to provide continuity for multiple wythe walls. In a number of nuclear power plants, vertically...

Probabilistic Seismic Analysis of a Nuclear Power Plant Steel Containment
Concern for the safety of nuclear power plants has motivated efforts to determine the statistical characteristics of the seismic resistance of steel containments under various types of...





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