Proposed Storm Water Management Programs: An Opportunity for Coastal Municipalities to Improve Water Quality
On November 16,1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated a final regulation establishing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application requirements...

Priority Problems of the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex
The Barataria-Terrebonne Estuarine Complex encompasses an area of approximately 3600 square miles within the Mississippi deltaic plain, and consists of system of water bodies and wetlands...

Sandy Beach Restoration in Heavily Populated Areas
Urban coastal areas are marked by several conflicts between its use and the conservation of its use and the conservation of its natural features. The Rio de Janeiro State University -...

Using GIS to Monitor Wetlands Loss/Gain
This paper represents the work being done at the National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) to monitor wetland change in the Mississippi River...

The Source of Sediments in the Neuse River Estuary: Water Quality Management Implications
Pedological evidence in alluvial floodplains of the fluvial-estuarine transition zone of the Neuse River, North Carolina, shows that very little sediment from the Piedmont headwaters of...

Heavy Metals Contamination and its Implication in the Development of the Estuarine Zone of the Southern China
During the pat decade, the economic growth of the estuarine region of the Southern China has been astonishingly rapid. One of the major concerns has been the water pollution problem because...

Heavy Metal Accumulation in Subsurface, Estuarine Sediments and Inferences for Anthropogenic Enrichment: N.W. Florida Coast
In an attempt to quantify the degree of contamination and the thickness of the contaminated subsurface sedimentary wedge, approximately 100 samples were extracted from the cores and subjected...

Traffic and Lead Pollution on Lake Maracaibo's Western Coast
This project focused on Nerium Oleander (NO) (Berberia), an ornamental plant. Chemical analyses (acid digestion and atomic absorption spectrophotometry) of the plant's tissue and the soil...

HAZMAT?Protecting Coastal Resources from Pollution Emergencies
As we've seen over the years, pollution from accidental spills and hazardous waste sites can harm the coastal environment. What can be done? A critical step towards ameliorating the problem...

NOAA, Bioassessment Techniques and the Superfund Process
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) assessments of SUperfund sites require an evaluation of whether contaminants are present in an aquatic environment of concern,...

Evaluating Remedial Alternatives for Coastal Wetlands in New Bedford Harbor
The Acushnet River estuary in upper New Bedford Harbor is highly contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and metals. Portions of the industrialized estuary are bordered by wetlands,...

Contaminant Trends in the Southern California Bight: The Coast is Cleaner
Data from local, regional and federal coastal monitoring programs were used to assess long-term trends and spatial extent of chemical contamination in sediments, shellfish, and fish of...

Effectiveness of Wetland Regulation in San Diego County, California
This study evaluated the cumulative impacts to wetlands permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game in San Diego County, California between...

Comprehensive Analysis of Physical Processes in a Coastal Lagoon: New Insights for Estuarine Management
Long-term observations of physical processes in the Indian River Lagoon have been analyzed to resolve the various forcings and boundary conditions that control episodic salt intrusion,...

Salinity Variations in Two Louisiana Estuaries
Salinity variations, on a variety of time scales, are described for two shallow bar-built estuaries of the Louisiana coast. Tidal, sub-tidal, and seasonal scale variations are important...

Effects of Surface Brine Disposal on the Marshes in Coastal Louisiana
In 1986, more than 1 billion barrels of brine were disposed of in Coastal Louisiana. Disposal of brine into surface water body is economically practical but environmentally detrimental....

Dock Master Planning in Coastal South Carolina
The rising population of coastal South Carolina has lead to an increasing demand for water access structures such as private docks. In order to comprehensively review the impacts of large...

A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...

Dealing with TMDLs in the Dairy-McKay HUA
The maximum phosphorus concentration for the TMDL in the Tualatin River is set by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) at 0.07 mg/1, Dairy-McKay Creek is 0.045 mg/1 Identification of potential...

T. L. James Marine Group Beach Nourishment Projects
To complete the referred to projects as used the highly maneuverable, 1,300 cubic-yard-capacity hopper dredges ATCHAFALAYA and MERMENTAU, both of which are self-propelled, split-hopper,...





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