Modeling Multiple Spur Schemes to Control Bank Erosion
A natural consequence of the meandering tendencies characteristic of all streams, is streambank erosion. The problem has taken on particular interest recently, focusing on erosion problems...

Willamette River Adjustments to New Spur Dikes
Severe bank erosion has caused recent local losses of up to 30 ft (9 m) per year of prime agricultural land along a half-mile (800 m) reach of the Willamette River, Oregon. The U. S. Army...

High Streamflow Behaviors in the Ohio River Basin
The intensity function, which describes the severity of the flood occurrences, is a critical factor in flood control and reservoir operation. It is found that the occurrence rates of high...

A Three Dimensional Hydraulic Jump
A study is conducted to define the three-dimensional hydraulic jump that occurs in a rectangular channel downstream of a rectangular contracted sluice gate. A sequent depth ratio equation...

Riprap Sizing-Four Methods
A comparison summary is provided for sizing of riprap by four methods: Isbash, Froude, Tractive Force - Logarithmic Velocity Profile (TFL), and Tractive Force - Power Velocity Profile...

Cavitation in Various Types of Shear Flow
Cavitation in turbulent shear flow depends on the intensity and spectral characteristics of the pressure fluctuations in a Lagrangian frame of reference as well as depending on the concentration...

Cavitation Inception from Cylindrical Holes
The inception of cavitation due to circular holes in a boundary is studied. Laboratory experiments were conducted to define limited cavitation as a function of the hole depth to diameter...

Modeling of a Multifunctional Hydraulic Structure
A 1:12 scale Froude model of a hydraulic control structure in the Rochester Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program (RCSOAP) was constructed and tested to optimize the design requirements...

Streamflow Measurement and Analysis for Northwest Rangelands
Watershed hydrologic and sedimentation investigations on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho were initiated in 1960. Major objectives of the watershed research...

Increased Reservoir Cost to Meet Instream Flow Needs
Low flow criteria need to be developed for determining the suitability of various low flow regimens for fish and wildlife. For choosing a desirable low flow release, the decision maker...

Controlling River Ice to Alleviate Ice Jam Flooding
Many communities affected by ice jam flooding have accepted the event as unpreventable. Others have approached their problem as one of open channel flow and implemented standard projects...

Salmon River Ice Jams
The ice conditions on the river during the freeze-up period and the simple analytical model used to predict the advance of the ice cover leading edge are documented. Ice cover thicknesses...

Mathematical Modeling of River Ice Process
Computer modeling of flow and ice conditions in a river is an important element in the planning of water resources project in northern regions. River ice processes are closely related...

Reduction of Intake Flow Due to Ice Rubbling and Consolidation
Numerous seawater intakes have been designed for Arctic Coastal Waters. In these areas moving ice often causes rubbling and pile up of broken ice pieces against the shore. If this forms...

Hydraulics of Freeze-up
A classification scheme for freeze-up of a river is proposed based upon the response of indicated stage. A conceptual model is developed to describe the course of the indicated responses....

A Quantitative Assessment of Surface Water Resources for Coal Slurry Pipelines Originating in Southwest Virginia
In view of the high streamflow variability, preliminary quantitative assessment was made of the capacity requirements and low-flow frequency characteristics of offstream reservoirs needed...

Artificially Varied Flow: River System Management
Some of the major water quality problems are heat, color, organic sediment, and total dissolved solids. To dilute these and other pollutants, substantial augmentation of flows for water...

Field Flow Measurement of Hydro-Turbine Efficiency
Performance tests were conducted at Great Northern Paper (GNP) Company's Weldon Hydroelectric Station. The purpose of the tests was to calibrate the Winter-Kennedy taps and...

Research in Hydraulics at California Institute of Technology
Activities are centered in the W. M. Keck Laboratory of Hydraulics and Water Resources. Research projects active at the Laboratory reflect a continuing commitment to traditional areas...

Hydraulic Research--U.S. Geological Survey
Research at the Gulf Coast Hydroscience Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, is being conducted in an indoor laboratory, and an outdoor laboratory. Much of the current indoor lab research...





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