Measurements of Mean Velocity, Turbulence and Temperature in a Deflected, Heated Water Jet
A submerged heated water jet issuing from a vertical wall into a turbulent flow in a rectangular open channel is investigated experimentally to determine the mean velocity, turbulence...

Silt Run Effectiveness in Withdrawing Sediment
An investigation was conducted during the silt runs on the North Platte River to determine the continued effectiveness of the runs in providing fine sediments to the canal systems downstream....

Utilization of Ground Penetrating Radar to Conduct Sediment Surveys of Frozen Reservoirs
The ground penetrating radar (GPR) system consisted of a control unit, antenna, recorder, a power supply on a sled towed by a snowmobile. A 120 Mhz antenna was utilized and gave excellent...

Sediment Flushing Experiences at Cherry Creek Dam
An overview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District's experiences in sediment flushing operations at Cherry Creek Reservoir near Denver, Colorado is presented....

Application of Reservoir Sedimentation Data to Problems of Environmental Management
Application of sediment delivery ratios and sediment routing procedures to sediment measurements provide an alternative approach to the prediction of localized average annual erosion rates....

Reservoir Sediment Sluicing?Laboratory Study
Experiments are being conducted in a 12.2 meter long, 0.38 meter high, 15 centimeter wide flume to examine the behavior of reservoir sediment deposits in response to sluicing. Crushed...

Hydrologiic Risk Analysis for Small Dams in Missouri
A methodology is presented for calculating the risk cost for a dam based on probabilities for rainfall depth, antecedent moisture condition, rainfall time distribution, initial reservoir...

Uncertainty and Value Analysis in the Selection of Dam Modification Alternative
Objectives and attributes were decided by the dam and watershed requirements, value judgments of decision makers, quantified trade-offs between different attribute values, and technical...

Dam Safety, Yes.; But What About Safety at Dams?
Design and construction of safe structures are the professional obligations of hydraulic engineers. However, there are environmental dangers with safe structures which engineers often...

Hydrologic Safety of Earth Dams
Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses are presented pertaining to the safety evaluation of an earth dam located downstream of another smaller earth dam. The upper dam is assumed to breach...

Drag Characteristics of Spheres in Bingham Fluids
R.W. Ansley and T.N. Smith's type of drag relation can be traced back closely, if not completely, to the Newtonian drag curve. The equivalent diameter for a sphere in a Bingham...

Gas Transfer at the Water Surface: Measurements of Gas Concentration Fluctuations
The paper describes measurements of fluctuating gas (oxygen) concentrations by means of a polarographic microscope near the air-water interface. The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility...

Hydraulic Effects on Swimming Fish in Fish Passage Structures
The implications of profile drag, weight, and buoyant forces on energy and power requirements of fish swimming through fish passage structures are considered. Where hydraulic grade lines...

Flow Through Fish Bypass Intakes
Hydraulic and computational fluid dynamic models were used to investigate the cause of the unequal intake flow distribution observed entering the three vertical intakes of the patented...

Physical Model of Local Scour at Grade Control Structures
A physical model of local scour occurring at grade-control structures was operated at an undistorted Froude number prototype-model scale ratio of 1:4. The maximum unit discharge in the...

Design of Riprapped Scour Holes for Flip Bucket and Overfall Spillways
Presented in this paper is a simple method of predicting pre-excavated scour depths and geometry for riprapped basins below flip bucket spillways. The input data needed for establishing...

Task Committee Report on Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
The results of the ASCE Hydraulics Division Task Committee on Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems are summarized in a very comprehensive report entitled Reliability Analysis...

New Methodology for Determining the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
A methodology is presented for the determination of the optimal timing for the rehabilitation/replacement of water distribution system components in order to minimize costs. In this model...

Submerged Flow in Parshall Flumes
Recent data collected in a 1-foot Parshall flume located in the Bureau of Reclamation's hydraulic laboratory indicate a significant discontinuity in the discharge/submergence...

Groundwater Transport in a Heterogeneous Aquifer: Tracking a Complex Plume
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting a large-scale groundwater research project as a part of the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) Solid Waste Environmental...





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