A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...

Dealing with TMDLs in the Dairy-McKay HUA
The maximum phosphorus concentration for the TMDL in the Tualatin River is set by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) at 0.07 mg/1, Dairy-McKay Creek is 0.045 mg/1 Identification of potential...

T. L. James Marine Group Beach Nourishment Projects
To complete the referred to projects as used the highly maneuverable, 1,300 cubic-yard-capacity hopper dredges ATCHAFALAYA and MERMENTAU, both of which are self-propelled, split-hopper,...

Spilling Oil for the Environment
In a misdirected effort to make our coastal waters safe from oil spills, Congress has needlessly increased the risk. In fact, it has all but ensured that oil spills will happen with increasing...

Oil Spill Contingency Planning?Public Participation Through the Coastal Zone Management Process
After the Exxon Valdez tanker ran aground in Alaska on March 24, 1989, spilling over ten million gallons of crude oil into the waters of Prince William Sound, attention focused on the...

The Mullica River?Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: A Unique Opportunity for Research, Preservation, and Management
The NOAA program on National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR) has developed to encompass 21 locations, each dedicated to the development and operation of an estuarine area as a natural...

A Watershed Approach to Coastal Zone Management for the Elkhorn Slough Estuarine Complex
The goal of establishing a scientifically-based, watershed planning and resource management framework for Elkhorn Slough in Monterey County, California has been an on-going effort for...

An Interagency Approach to Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
Environmental considerations resulted in the development and planned implementation of environmentally beneficial dredged material disposal in connection with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'...

Submergence, Salt-Water Intrusion, and Managed Gulf Coast Marshes
Many coastal marshes are managed to improve wildlife habitat. Simultaneous salt-water intrusion and rapid submergence in Louisiana place additional demands on marsh managers and may become...

Habitat Degradation of the LaBranche Wetlands and an Approach to its Restoration
Considered the most productive wetlands within the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, the LaBranche Wetlands south of Lake Pontchartrain consists of over 18,000 acres of brackish to fresh marsh...

Measuring the Effect of Sediment Fences for Wetland Creation and Restoration in Louisiana
A sediment erosion table (SET) method has been developed to monitor changes over time in intertidal mudflat or pond elevations with an accuracy in the 1.5 mm range. The SET permitted rapid...

Pelagic Fisheries of Senegal: State of Stocks, Management Options, Policy Constraints and the Role of Subsidies
After a global presentation of the Senegalese pelagic distribution of the fish stocks, this article analyzes the effects of financial support programs in the industry. The suitability...

The Possibility to Forecast Red-tide by Applying Remote Sensing Technique
This paper reviews the possibility to forecast red-tide by applying remote sensing technique....

TM Bands' Remote Measure Test for Seawater's Multi-factors?First Step Research on Remote Sensing for Bay's Self-Purificability
Marine Remote Sensing is different from Land Remote Sensing in someways, one of which is that ocean is a 3-d fluid with large changes in time and space. So the field sampling in sea-water,...

Rice Herbicide Evaluation in Texas Gulf Coast
The Texas rice belt, bordered on the south and east by the Gulf of Mexico, extends about 113 km (70 mile) inland and parallels the coastline for approximately 322 km (200 mile) from Victoria,...

Salinity-Colorado River Water Quality Crisis
The major concern cited is excessive salt concentrations caused by salt loading of return flows to the Colorado River. Salinity levels measured as milligrams per liter (mg/L) are monitored...

Water Quality Impacts of a Lead/Zinc Mine in Northwest Alaska
In order to assure that water quality in the Red Dog Creek/lkalukrok Creek/Wulik River watershed returned to pre-mining conditions, the order required that water quality and fish tissue...

Dunes Management Plan: Long Beach Peninsula, Washington
The dunes management plan, completed in June 1989, addresses public education; land use jurisdiction and enforcement; funding; economic and environmental resource values; land development...

Use of MARPOL ANNEX V Reception Facilities and Disposal Systems at Selected Gulf of Mexico Ports, Private Terminals and Recreational Boating Facilities
A 1991 survey conducted by the Sea Grant College Programs at Texas A&M Univ and Louisiana State Univ of selected Gulf of Mexico public ports, private terminals and recreational...

Boater's Pledge?A Regional Campaign to Hook Fishermen and Recreational Boaters on Solutions to Solid-Waste Pollution
Volunteer beach cleanups along the coast of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico over the last years have resulted in removal of anthropogenic trash loads with a cumulative weight of more than...





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