Steel Bar Joist Performance: Design Deficiencies and Defects
Several failures of steel bar joist roofs have been investigated by the authors in the past decade. Many of these failures or performance problems have corresponded to bar joists manufactured...

Loma Prieta Response of an Eccentrically Braced Tall Building
Acceleration response records obtained during the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake [Ms = 7.1] from the 47-story, eccentrically braced Embarcadero...

Remote Monitoring of a Stressed Timber Bridge Deck
The long term behavior of a CCA treated stressed timber deck bridge is being monitored, at present, using a remote data acquisition system. The bridge which is located in Gray, Maine was...

Monitoring Performance of Full Scale Structures
General Physics Services Corporation (GPSC) of Columbia, Maryland has developed a device for the remote long-term monitoring of full scale structures, such as highway bridges. This patented...

How to Include Reliability Constraints in Structural Optimization
Structural optimization is a complex process made of design cycles aimed at finding the best possible solution. At each design cycle ultimate and/or serviceability limit states must be...

Teaching Structural Engineering in Year 2000
The paper addresses the need for changes in engineering education in order to keep pace with the changes that have and will continue to take place in the workplace. Over the past 40 years...

Interfacing Academia and the Practicing Profession
The paper presents a discussion of current topics and instructional methods in structural engineering in the United States. Following a review of typical subject matter in analysis and...

What Attributes Should the Structural Engineering Graduate Possess?
This paper will discuss the need for structural engineering students to be trained to think in terms of the performance of the structural system as a whole, rather than the individual...

Structural Analysis for the Student
The transition from student to practicing structural engineer can be a very 'eye-opening' experience. From the classical right-wrong classroom solutions of well-defined indeterminate structures,...

Structural Analysis in Context
The issues of what student should learn about structural analysis and how it should be taught are explored considering the purposes of structural analysis in engineering practice and the...

Inspections, Evaluations and Modifications for Corps of Engineers Dams
The Corps of Engineers owns and operates 580 dams in the United States. As these dams become older (199 are over 50 years old), dam safety and modifications play an increasing role in...

Embankment Dam Safety
Procedures for identification and evaluation of conditions which can lead to catastrophic dam failure through either piping or deep seated instability of the downstream surface are presented....

Risk Assessment: A Tool for Dam Rehabilitation Decisions
A phased approach to the dam rehabilitation decision problem is presented. The approach is based on viewing the newer dam safety evaluation approaches of incremental damage assessment...

Design Considerations for Raising Existing Dams for Increased Storage
While a number of new dams have been constructed in the United States and other countries in recent years, much of the construction activity related to dams has involved the raising of...

Roller Compacted Concrete for Embankment Overtopping Protection
In the first National Dam Safety Inventory and inspection performed by the Corps of Engineers, the majority of deficiencies found were related to the inability of the project to retain...

Saylorville Spillway: Emergency to Service Spillway
The spillway for Saylorville Lake located on the Des Moines River, 12 miles north of the city of Des Moines, Iowa, a large metropolitan, was designed as an emergency spillway. Due to subsequent...

Rehabilitation of Cracked Embankment Dams
Cracking is a common phenomenon in many earth embankment dams and especially those small to medium size dams constructed on compressible soil foundations. Collapsible soil conditions,...

Mud Mountain Dam Concrete Cutoff Wall
Mud Mountain Dam is an earth and rockfill flood control dam on the White River. The dam is located approximately 50 km southeast of Seattle, Washington. The dam was constructed in 1941...

Improving Seismic Safety of Dams in California
A search of the dam files at California's Division of Safety of Dams has revealed that at least 94 dams have been improved for seismic stability. The results of the search are tabulated...

Seismic Rehabilitation of Echo Lake Dam
Echo Lake Dam is an existing dam raising a natural lake in the Sierra Nevada in California, along the western edge of the Tahoe Basin. The dam was an embankment built with steep, hand...





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