Fisheries Engineering Program at Washington State University
Problems associated with the interrelationships of instream hydraulic structures, and migratory and resident fish, are in need of better analysis and design. This improvement can be realized...

Fishways--Historical Assessment of Design Practice
Fishway design has evolved over the years in a conservative fashion. Research has led to the development of some innovative structures, but costs and water usage have been high. Conservative...

Small Scale Hydropower Design Optimization
A method is presented by which the hydraulic design of small hydropower facilities can be economically optimized and then tested for sensitivity to variations in hydrologic prediction....

Modifications of Dams for Recreational Boating
Many existing dams and river structures require modification, and new structures may need to include designs to allow safe white water activities. The basic problem is safety, with a long...

Water Resources at the Utah Water Research Laboratory
The research staff comes from a wide spectrum of water science and engineering specialties. The authors address such diverse topics as hydraulic testing, erosion studies, and water quality...

Current Hydraulics Research at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
The Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research is engaged in fundamental and applied research on a broad range of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problems. The history and organization of the...

Research in Hydraulics at California Institute of Technology
Activities are centered in the W. M. Keck Laboratory of Hydraulics and Water Resources. Research projects active at the Laboratory reflect a continuing commitment to traditional areas...

Current Hydraulic Research in the Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory at M.I.T.
A brief description of the laboratory is given. The staff, researchers, funding and student participation is described. A partial listing of research programs is outlined....

Bureau of Reclamation Hydraulic Laboratory
The Bureau of Reclamation used hydraulic models for the first time in 1930 in the laboratory of the Colorado Agriculture Experimental Station in Fort Collins, Colorado. In 1946 the Reclamation...

Current Research in Hydraulics at the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
Ongoing activities in hydraulics research at the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station are described. The various areas in which research is under way are enumerated. Activities...

Hydraulic Research--U.S. Geological Survey
Research at the Gulf Coast Hydroscience Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, is being conducted in an indoor laboratory, and an outdoor laboratory. Much of the current indoor lab research...

Modeling Pool and Riffle Sequences in Alluvial Channels
A one-dimensional mathematical model has been developed to predict the hydraulic characteristics of alluvial channels under low flow conditions. For a given steady discharge, channel geometry,...

Evaluating Pump Characteristics in Developing Countries
How do you assess normal operating characteristics for pumps used in small water supply systems when no information on the pumps is available and when the technicians have little technical...

Design for Ice Forces
Part one of this publication on design for ice forces emphasizes offshore and coastal structures. In this section , seasonal ice conditions typical of offshore and coastal zones are reviewed....

Frontiers in Hydraulic Engineering
These proceedings include approximately 140 papers presented in the ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, August 1983, Cambridge, Mass. The principal aim of the conference was...

Design of Navigational Structures for Ice Forces
An overview of ice conditions and the types of ice action that are hazardous to navigational structures is presented. Depending on the circumstances, ice failure against structures occurs...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in Australia
This report highlights urban hydrological activity in Australia in the period 1979-1983, since the earlier reports by Aitken (1976) and Aitken and Laurenson (1979). The high level of interest...

Current Status of Urban Hydrology in Japan
After World War II the devastated Japanese landscape was ravaged repeatedly by heavy typhoons causing severe damages. Nevertheless, a hydrological data acquisition system was not adequately...

Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering accepts original contributions that describe the analysis and solutions of problems in hydraulic engineering. Technical Notes may present a problem, without solution,...

Addressing Societal Needs of the 1980's Through Civil Engineering Research
Critical issues facing society in ten subdisciplines of civil engineering are defined and the research required to provide solutions to these issues in each area is identified. The ten...





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