U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Use of Risk Analysis
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) has been using risk analysis techniques in assessments for management decisions. Before presenting USBR practice and experience, the paper...

Some Perspectives and Philosophies on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
The authors have selected four perspectives of the water resources decision problem that illustrate how formal risk-based approaches may be applied - an economic perspective, an environmental...

Environmental Considerations in Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
In the hypothetical Royal River Project there are several factors pertaining to environmental issies; these factors have a bearing on selection among the several alternatives and lead,...

Water Forum '86
World Water Issues in Evolution
These proceedings for Water Forum '86 include papers presented at the second conference in which the water-oriented divisions of the American Society of Civil Engineers have...

Interactive Modeling and Display of Spatial and Time Varying Phenomena Using CAPLIB7
This paper describes some of the software being used at Cornell University to aid the development of tools for modeling phenomena having both spatial and temporal dimensions. Such models...

The Local Area Network in an Engineering Office
During the past several years, the St. Paul District, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, has purchased a variety of computer equipment. In late 1985, the District solved the problem of communication...

Quality Assurance in a Large Firm
This paper will describe the formalization of the Quality Assurance Program in a large consulting engineering firm. Although Quality Assurance and Quality Control have been a part of normal...

Water Use Planning?Boston Harbor
Boston's urban waterfront is at a unique juncture in history. Although the waterfront's historic heavy industrial and transportation uses have all but collapsed,...

Seattle's Central Waterfront
The character and identity of Seattle are based largely on its extensive waterfront areas. The city has approximately 90 miles of shoreline, one of the benefits of possessing a varied...

Practice of Risk Analysis in the Private Sector
Although risk-analysis is currently gaining acceptance in the decision process among engineers involved in public safety of water resources projects, the 'state-of-the-art'...

Protecting Resources: Urban Demands on Rural Land
Urban areas place substantial demands on rural land, shaping the ways that land is used. The United States today, unquestionably an urban nation, routinely transports water, energy, and...

Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
Social and environmental goals and objectives are continually changing and difficult to quantify. Consequently, water resources planners and managers find it difficult to maintain currency...

Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
This book includes papers presented at the Engineering Foundation conference on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources and at a session at the ASCE National Convention in Boston....

Facility Location and Land Use
The Urban/Rural Dilemma
Most land use planning techniques focus on large metropolitan areas, with relatively little attention paid to smaller communities. Recent issues such as nuclear power plant location, water...

Boston's Water Resource Development
Past, Present, and Future
This volume contains five papers describing diverse aspects of water supply, water power, and wastewater disposal in eastern Massachusetts. Three papers discuss Boston's water...

The Historical Development of Boston's Water Supply System
Boston, one of the oldest cities in the United States, has one of the oldest public water supply systems, dating back to 1652. The system was developed and expanded incrementally in response...

James B. Francis and the Northern Canal
Lowell became America's first great industrial city because of the power of the Pawtucket Falls and the efforts of an amazing group of engineers, industrialists, and workers....

Leak Detection Is Just a Piece of the Pie
This paper emphasizes that leak detection is part of the proper management techniques that must be used to control unaccounted-for water. In order to effectively understand the pieces...

Boston's Future Water Supply
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is responsible for planning and providing water to metropolitan Boston. Recent state legislation directs that conservation, development of local...

World Energy Outlook
In response to lower energy prices and reinvigorated economic growth, demand for all forms of energy is increasing steadily. With the growing realization that man's resources,...





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