Transit Tactics: Keeping Light Rail Moving
The Guadalupe Corridor Light Rail Transit project is a massive undertaking that will be built in segments from San Jose to Santa Clara, CA. The $372 million project involves numerous agencies...

A Profession Peers at Itself
An increasing number of firms are inviting their competitors to come in and survey the way they do business. Peer reviews cover all aspects of a firm's management, from record...

Global Water Issues
Five critical global water-related issues are discussed. First is the issue of climatic changes and drought. Unfortunately, the opportunities to construct major irrigation projects are...

Construction Management
A State-of-the-Art Update
Construction Management (CM) is an anomaly of the tradition steeped construction industry. Consequently it has been surrounded by controversy. Now that its brief but rapid development...

Quality of Inspectors?In Search of Excellence
Assuring quality in construction has become a major challenge to the design/construction industry today. Attention to the issue has been a result of problems in the nuclear power industry...

The Historical Development of Boston's Water Supply System
Boston, one of the oldest cities in the United States, has one of the oldest public water supply systems, dating back to 1652. The system was developed and expanded incrementally in response...

Cleaning the Nut Island Outfalls
As an early component of a comprehensive program to reduce pollution in Boston Harbor, two 80-year-old cast-iron outfalls, each 60 inches in diameter and a mile long were cleaned in a...

Solutions for Pavement Rehabilitation Problems
Preservation of our nation's highways is the goal of highway civil engineers in the decades to come. The public travels on pavements and this important part of the system...

TPMs and Their Use: A Case Study
Transit performance measures (TPMs) are useful in identifying transit system deficiencies, which will provide management with opportunities for system modification and improvement. They...

CPM Harnesses Mammoth Powerplant Job
One of the largest air quality control retrofit projects in the U. S. is at the Sammis Plant of Ohio Edison Co., along the Ohio River 40 miles west of Pittsburgh. The coal-fired plant's...

Maintaining Our Goals
Setting goals is easier than achieving them and, once achieved, they must not be viewed as final accomplishments to put behind us - they must be sustained. Although goals are essentially...

On-Line Computerized Maintenance Management
Maintenance is the last cost saving frontier of scientific management. Top management has concentrated on production for generations, largely ignoring maintenance. The attitude of 'fix...

Quality Control: A Neglected Factor
Quality in construction is too important to leave to chance. A project quality control plan would begin by incorporating testing and inspecting requirements into the specifications. Engineers...

The Pursuit of Quality: QA/QC
Quality assurance and quality control programs are mandated for many federally-funded construction projects. The private sector is also increasingly requiring such programs. The terms...

Concrete Quality Control and Quality Assurance on Strontia Springs Dam
An essential part of the construction management services provided on Strontia Springs Dam was the quality control of material, mixture proportions, and production for all concrete placed...

Environmental Permitting Approaches for Future Development of Offshore Oil Fields in the Arctic
Environmental impact of petroleum prospecting on the North Slope of Alaska is complicated by climatic problems of long periods of low temperature and thick ocean ice. Better engineering...

Quality Control Management of Real-Time Data
Recent improvements in the real-time acquisition of hydro-meteorological data have raised concerns regarding the quality of the data received. This paper presents several data verification...

Coping with Transition: Improving the Management Process
At Arkansas Power & Light Company, the Energy Supply Department has some 2,000 employees and operates (in addition to providing General Office engineering, technical, and administrative...

Quality Assurance/Quality Control; Case Studies?Introduction
The report emphasizes several requirements for quality management: a. The need for a knowledgeable field representative, preferably the resident engineer. This person must be familiar...

Quality in the Constructed Project: A Workshop Report
In the fall of 1984, ASCE conducted a workshop to determine what actions are necessary to improve quality in the constructed project. The engineering segment of the two-day meeting included...





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