Problems with Numerical Modeling of Gravel-Bed Rivers
Inherent to one-dimensional numerical models are the assumptions that hydraulic parameters can be assigned a characteristic average value, and that the flow is gradually varied so that...

An Artificial Neural Network for Computing Sediment Transport
This paper describes the use of artificial neural network (ANN) analysis as a computing device for estimating sediment transport in open channels. The application was developed from 1,455...

Visualization and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Velocity Measurements in Carquinez Strait, California
On 11 March, 12 March, 15 April, and 16 April, 1991 the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Sacramento, CA, employed a Downward Looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (DL-ADCP)...

Stratification Models Sensitivity to Solar Radiation Data
A one-dimensional water quality model (WESTEX model) for simulation of thermal stratification is used to test the performance of such models related to hydrometeorological input data....

The Flushing Flow Problem on the Trinity River, CA
Flushing flows are high flow releases designed to remove fine sediment accumulated in river gravels downstream of reservoirs. These releases must be designed to maximize transport of sand-sized...

Fractal Dimension of Aggregated Sediments
Cohesive sediment dynamics in estuarine systems are strongly affected by particle aggregation and flocculation. These processes are mainly controlled by the Brownian motion, flow turbulence...

Mass Transport in Mud Layer Induced by Wave Action
This paper analyzes the mass transport velocity in a two layers system produced by wave action. In a previous paper, Piedra Cueva (1933), a theory for linear water waves propagating in...

Sediment Disposal and Transport in Central SF Bay
The relocation of dredged material from navigation channels in the Francisco Bay is crucial to the movement of deep-draft shipping and shallow-draft recreational vessels. The margins of...

Assessment and Prediction of Debris-flow Hazards
Study of debris-flow geomorphology and initiation mechanism has led to better understanding of debris-flow processes. This paper reviews how this understanding is used in current techniques...

Research Needs for Debris Flow Disaster Prevention
A 'soft' disaster reduction strategy is proposed based on identification of hazard location, extent and maximum intensity; monitoring of antecedent catchment moisture, sediment and vegetation...

Debris Flows in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: Magnitude, Frequency and Effects on the Colorado River
Debris flows are recurrent sediment-transport processes in 525 tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. Arizona. Initiated by slope failures in bedrock and (or) colluvium during...

Debris Flows and Mass Wasting in Volcanic Torrents
Observation of debris flow and topographic survey for mass wasting in the volcanic torrents clarified that (1) mass wasting processes such as rock fall from the side-wall and toppling...

Interpreting Debris-Flow Hazard from Study of Fan Morphology
The deposits, stratigraphy, and surface morphology of debris-flow fans are a record of past debris-flow activity, and as such can provide useful information about debris-flow hazards....

Fish Screen Developments, Columbia River Dams
This paper describes developments to date for a fish diversion and bypass system being tested for two Columbia River dams. Because of the concern for the negative impacts of screen systems...

A Method of Managing Floating Debris
The device described offers a promising approach to a new method of managing floating debris. It modifies the surface flow of water from a submerged location. The modified flow reduces...

Variations Encountered in Design Analysis of Local Scour at Drop Structures
Proper design of drop structures can prevent failure due to scour at upstream structures, like bridges. An important aspect of drop-structure design is the prediction of the local scour...

Continuum-Mechanics-Based Rheological Formulation for Debris Flow
This paper aims to assess the validity of the generalized viscoplastic fluid (GVF) model in the light of both the classical relative-viscosity versus concentration relation and the dimensionless...

Rheometry of Natural Sediment Slurries
Recent experimental analyses of natural sediment slurries yield diverse results yet exhibit broad commonality of rheological responses under a range of conditions and shear rates. Results...

Hydrodynamic and Toxic Contaminant Dispersion in the Lower St. Marys River
A numerical model that simulates the hydrodynamics and the transport of toxic contaminants in the Lower St.Marys River is being calibrated and verified using field data from the U.S. Army...

Water-Level, Velocity, and Dye Measurements in the Chicago Tunnels
On April 13, 1992, a section of a 100-year-old underground freight tunnel in downtown Chicago, Illinois was breached where the tunnel crosses under the Chicago River, about 15 meters below...





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