Seismic Response Component in the Risk Assessment of Dams
The risk analysis model for dams that is discussed in this paper considers the probability of an initiating event and the following conditional probabilities of the system response, the...

Seismic Decision Analysis for Jackson Lake Dam
This paper presents a framework for decision analysis that can be applied to seismic dam safety problems. The framework provides a means for displaying uncertainties in a manner that allows...

Optimum Cut-Outs on Plate Stability
Cut-outs are unavoidable in some of the plate components. To minimize the plate weight, in the meantime, to maintain the critical buckling load as high as possible is one of the major...

General Considerations for Seismic Stability
The basic design consideration is provision of sufficient stiffness, strength and adequate ductility for the varied loads imposed on the building. Adequate stiffness is needed to resist...

Code Designed Steel Frame Performance Characteristics
Three similar steel ductile moment-resisting frame structures designed in accordance to the Uniform Building Code (1976-1985) are evaluated for their performance characteristics during...

Maximum Response of Buildings to Multi-Seismic Input
The paper presents a technique of determining the maximum response of a torsionally-translationally coupling structure subjected to three ground translational components. It was found...

The Application of Aerodynamic Model Tests to Wind Loading of Tall Buildings
The theory of the aerodynamic model test, in which the wind response of tall structures can be computed for a range of dynamic properties from a measurement of the external wind load,...

Field Experiments for Wind Pressures
A project is underway at Texas Tech University to acquire wind and building surface pressure data in the field. Objectives of the project are to obtain a reliable data base for external...

Fault Identification by Seismic Impact Load Techniques
The propagation of seismic waves generated by impact loading across a normal fault in carbonate rock was investigated by the seismic refraction technique. The field records were reduced,...

Rational Design Approach for Tension on the Net Section
A study of the bearing and net section capacities of bolt connections for material thicknesses encountered in cold-formed members was conducted. This paper summarizes the findings as they...

Behavior and Design of Semi-Rigid Composite Frames
Recent advances and experimental research on the behavior of composite semi-rigid frames indicates that substantial savings can be achieved with this method of construction. The current...

Moment Rotation Curves for Double Framing Angles
Moment-rotation curves for bolted framed steel connections are derived from force-deflection data obtained from laboratory tension and compression tests of angle segments. These derived...

The Fourth Edition of the SSRC Guide presents a state-of-the-art information on beam-columns for use by specification writers, researchers, and designers. The present paper is an extremely...

Effect of Connector Spacing on Double Angle Compressive Strength
The 1986 AISC 'Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Specification for Structural Steel Buildings' includes new rules affecting the design of built-up members...

Reliability Revision for Structures in Service
Models of structural reliability are called upon to provide not only initial estimates of safety, but also revised estimates reflecting new information on the structure as it becomes available....

Fracture-Mechanics-Based Fatigue Life Estimate
Fatigue lives of tee-shaped weldments are estimated using fracture mechanics concepts and crack growth rate data. Fracture mechanics is used to develop an approximate expression for stress...

Aluminum Orthotropic Bridge Deck Verification
This paper reports tests conducted to evaluate an aluminum orthotropic deck. Approximately 60 welded T-joints with 6061-T6 stems and 5456-H321 plate were subjected to flexural fatigue...

Fatigue Design Criteria for Welded Steel Details
A review of fatigue data and reassessment of the 1983 fatigue specification resistance functions has been conducted. Since the AASHTO specification fatigue resistance provisions were introduced...

A Fatigue Study of Prestressing Strand
Strand fatigue data reported in the literature and also from recent tests were combined to form a data base of strand fatigue data which was analyzed using regression analysis techniques....

Fatigue Strength of Welded Wire Fabric
Long life fatigue tests were made on 12 concrete slabs reinforced with large diameter, Grade 75, deformed welded wire fabric. The specimens simulated, to full scale, conditions in a bare...





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