The Impact of Demand-Side Management on Load Growth: Some Tentative Results
Demand-Side Management (DSM) programs including load management, conservation and strategic load growth are being implemented by a very large number of utilities for the mutual benefit...

Control of the Design Process
Gilbert/Commonwealth, Inc. (G/C) was the architect-engineer for the original design of the Florida Power Corporation (FPC) Crystal River Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 (CR3) and has been involved...

The Hydroelectric Barge
The nation's inland waterway system includes many low head locks and dams, with undeveloped hydropower potential estimated in excess of 1,100 MW. For most of these dams, hydro...

The PowerBarge Hydroelectric Plant
Following an account of the need for such an approach, the PowerBarge hydroelectric plant design concept is described as a fully floating system consisting of an Intake Barge, Siphon Penstock,...

Libby Rereg's Combined Spillway and Powerhouse
The existing powerhouse at Libby Dam, located near Libby, Montana has four generating units for a total of 420 MW. Provisions have been made which will allow doubling the plant rating...

It? Dam?Selection of Type
This paper describes the studies carried out for the type of dam selection for the Ita Hydroelectric Project. Drastic rainfall conditions, large river diversion flows and an abundance...

Structural Vibrations Associated with Large Incubation Tanks
It is the purpose of this paper to describe the format of an investigation wherein the train of evidence led from an assumption of a strictly mechanical cause to an actual cause that was...

A Summary of the Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) Program
In December of 1980, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) initiated Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) A-46 to address the question of the seismic adequacy of equipment in 49 operating nuclear...

Earthquake Experience Data on Power and Industrial Structures: Applications to Seismic Design and Evaluation
An extensive study was conducted to document the seismic performance of typical power plant and industrial structures in selected recent strong earthquakes and to correlate the performance...

Seismic Design-Qualification of Non-Safety Related Items in Safety Related Envelope
This presentation pertains to Seismic Design-Qualification for those portions of structures, systems, or components in a Nuclear Plant whose continued function is not required but whose...

Security Issues for Microcomputers
This paper addresses microcomputer security in the context of a transportation agency. Schemes for physical protection of hardware, such as locking workstations and alarms, are examined...

Evaluation of Accident Countermeasure Viability
Traffic and safety engineers are faced with the on-going challenge of maintaining acceptable levels of safety on the roads and streets under their jurisdictions. Generally, this challenge...

Water Quality Issues at Fossil Fuel Plants
This publication highlights proposed approaches and actual projects for dealing with such water quality issues at fossil power plants as water supply, water treatment, and the protection...

Energy Forecasting
When the traditional stability of growth in demand for electricity was disrupted in the mid-1970's, forecasters and planners were forced to reconsider their existing procedures....

Innovative Powerhouse Designs
Since 1978, interest in small scale hydroelectric projects in the U.S. has jumped to a new high. Both new sites and modification of existing dams have received scrutiny by both private...

Seismic Experience Data?Nuclear and Other Plants
The Seismic Qualification Utilities Group (SQUG) was formed to explore the use of earthquake experience data of equipment performance to resolve Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) initiated...

Second-Guessing the Engineer
The relationships between utilities and the bodies that regulate them have changed drastically in the past few years. No longer can any costs associated with the construction of new power...

Underground Building Reclaims a Landfill
Oregon's Multnomah County built a road and maintenance facility underground to begin reclaiming an old landfill site. More than 600 precast concrete components make up the...

Flowable Fly Ash: A New Cement Stabilized Backfill
Cement stabilized fly ash placed at a plastic fluid consistency is a new structural backfill material that flows into place, either above or below water, without using sophisticated construction...

Civil Engineering: At the Center of Technology for Tomorrow
Between now and the year 2000 civil engineers have the opportunity, perhaps more than any other profession, to help create the monuments of our civilization. This will involve projects...





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