The Corps' Environmental Effects of Dredging Programs
The major programs addressing environmental effects of dredging and disposal that have been or are being conducted by the Corps since 1973 are: Dredged Material Research Program, Dredging...

Fundamentals of Capping Contaminated Dredged Material
Contaminated dredged material disposed in subaqueous sites may be chemically and biologically isolated by covering or capping with a layer of clean material. The capping concept is simple;...

PCB Contaminated Sediments from Petit-de-Grat, Canada
In Canada, ocean disposal of dredged materials is regulated by the Ocean Dumping Control Act. Included within the schedules of regulated substances are organochlorine compounds, such as...

Confined Disposal Area for Port Hueneme Harbor, Calif.
The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, is responsible for maintenance of harbors along the Coast of California from Morro Bay Harbor to San Diego Harbor. As part of this...

Dispersal of Wastewater in the Ocean--A Cascade of Processes at Increasing Scales
An engineering system for marine waste disposal is described. Design decisions are based on broad categories of input information: the complete description of the waste to be discharged;...

Decision Analysis of Coal Ash Disposal Technology
Coal-fired power plants produce a number of solid waste streams in the course of their operation. These coal combustion by-products (CCBPs) are composed of fly ash, bottom ash and boiler...

Vacuum Assisted Pipelines Operation
In the process of upgrading the sewerage facilities for Lancaster, Pennsylvania, it was decided to combine two existing facilities into one new facility. This required the design of three...

Milwaukee Sewerage District Interplant Pipeline
The pipeline is intended to transfer solids between the Jones Island and South Shore treatment works a distance of approximately 12 miles (19. 3 km). The 4 conduit pipeline comprising...

Leaching Analysis of Coal Mine Spoil Material
Arch Mineral Corporation has conducted a column leaching study to analyze the leaching characteristics of surface coal mine spoil material in order to predict post-mining groundwater quality....

A Quantitative Assessment of Surface Water Resources for Coal Slurry Pipelines Originating in Southwest Virginia
In view of the high streamflow variability, preliminary quantitative assessment was made of the capacity requirements and low-flow frequency characteristics of offstream reservoirs needed...

Integrated Small Hydro Energy Development
Small hydro power development integrated with other renewable energy sources is economical. Civil engineering components if suitably selected and designed reduce power development costs...

Structural Engineering in Nuclear Facilities
The papers in this publication cover the general theme of civil and structural engineering as they are applied to nuclear facilities. Traditional topics include seismic analysis, impactive...

EPA's New Land Disposal Rules�A Closer Look
Despite some initial enthusiasm for the new EPA regulations on land disposal of hazardous waste, many critics are now expressing concern for the long-term environmental impact. The dependence...

Lining a Pond to Contain Uranium Tailings
Impermeable pond linings combined with geotextile fabric underlinings are a recent innovation in industrial storage pond construction. A case history of a pond site in New Mexico illustrates...

Land Treatment of Hazardous Waste
Land treatment is one of several available alternatives to the use of landfills and surface impoundments for the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste. Using this technique, hazardous...

New Wastewater Process Cuts Plant Costs 60%
By combining the aerator and the clarifier into one basin, this new wastewater treatment process can slash capital costs up to 60% and operating and maintenance costs up to 45%. Raw sewage...

Coastal Zone '83
Interdisciplinary information and viewpoints on coastal zone management and ocean resources issues related to use, protection, and development are presented. Topics include improved jurisdiction...

Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the 1983 ASCE National Conference on Environmental Engineering was to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of...

Arresting a Toxic Plume
At an abandoned gravel pit in New Hampshire turned into a dump site for hazardous liquid chemical wastes (as well as drummed solid waste), engineers had to race against the clock to stem...

Emerging Energy/Environmental Trends and the Engineer
Although favorable energy situations presently exist, available fossil fuel sources of energy are limited and as a result there will be an increase in interest in requirements relating...





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