Procedures in a Change of Water Rights
The general procedures used in the water right analysis for a change in a water right must be applied to the historic use and then repeated for the proposed new use. The required analysis...

Meadow ET in the Bear River Basin of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho
This study was begun in 1982 to assist the Bear River Commission in their statutory obligation of determining a duty of water under the Bear River compact. The study involved installing...

Maximum and Actual ET from Grasses and Grass-Like Plants
Two studies of mountain meadow water use were conducted along the Little Laramie River and in the Upper Green River Basin of Wyoming. Monthly and seasonal data from twelve non-weighing...

Phreatophyte Water Use Estimated by Eddy-Correlation Methods
Water-use was estimated for three phreatophyte communities: a saltcedar community and an alkali-Sacaton grass community in New Mexico, and a greasewood rabbit-brush-saltgrass community...

Water Use by Saltcedar in an Arid Environment
Specialized instruments and measurement techniques developed at the University of Arizona facilitate precise estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) with the energy budget model. Use of...

Sedimentation in the All-American Canal
During the planning for the All-American Canal, by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Boulder Canyon Project, works were designed at the head of the canal to remove between...

Emergency Flood Management, Salt Lake City, Utah
This paper discusses Salt Lake City's response to the floods of 1983 and 1984. Peaks during these years were very high with historic records being set in both years. Management...

Real-Time Monitoring and Flood Forecasting
An automated flood warning system is now serving the 2,700,000 residents of Houston, Harris County, Texas. Real-time rainfall and river level data from more than 150 sensors are automatically...

Engineering and Policymaking: The Platte River in Nebraska
Substantial conflict exists over proposed water projects in the Platte River Basin of Nebraska. A computer simulation model, representing the engineering and environmental dimensions of...

Integrating Policy Factors in Stream-Aquifer Models
One of the main issues appearing today in the field of water resources is the management of complex hydrologic systems consisting of surface streams and aquifers. The management problem...

Colorado High Mountain Aquifer Study
This paper describes the potential for formulating water projects in Colorado using the storage capability of high mountain glacial aquifers. Although a terminal moraine provides a natural...

Annual Sediment Loads of Illinois Streams
Incorporation of sedimentation surveys for 24 Illinois lakes was needed to provide somewhat long-term average sediment yields of Illinois streams. For each suspended sediment station a...

Feasibility Study of Flood Control for the Maumee River in Allen County, Indiana
In March, 1982 the Maumee River overtopped its banks flooding parts of the City of Fort Wayne and unincorporated areas in Allen County, Indiana. The estimated damage to the area was about...

El Paso vs New Mexico, Ground Water or Other Options
The City of El Paso proposed to drill numerous water wells near the Texas-New Mexico and Mexico-New Mexico borders to supplement their water supply during the years 2000-2020 and thereafter....

Hydrodynamic Simulation of the Upper Potomac Estuary
Hydrodynamics of the upper extent of the Potomac Estuary between Indian Head and Morgantown, Md. , are simulated using a two-dimensional model. The model computes water-surface elevations...

Hydraulic Modeling for Ecological Research
Because of the problems and expenses of a continuous data collection program for large rivers, it was decided to develop an integrated hydrodynamic and biological model for the Illinois...

Organization Design of a Water Resources Institution
An overview of the field of organization design is presented along with a brief description of major macro-organization design theories. Utilizing this information, four water resources...

Assessment of Drought Restriction Needs in New Jersey
Due to insufficient rainfall and related runoff during the spring of 1985, the Passaic and Hackensack River Basins in northern New Jersey and related storage reservoirs therein were able...

Effect of Baghdad City Sewage Treatment Effluents on Dissolved Oxygen Profiles of an Iraqi River
The paper presents measured dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in an Iraqi river in the vicinity of Baghdad City. The effect of the effluent discharges from Baghdad Sewage Treatment Plant...

Math Modeling of Mixing Zones in River Systems
A numerical mixing zone model was developed utilizing an implicit finite difference method with a weighted numerical scheme. The model was based on the two-dimensional advection-dispersion...





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