Flow Measurement Using a Digital Pressure-Time Method
This paper describes flow measurements performed by TVA's Engineering Laboratory as a part of absolute efficiency measurements of the two units at the Great Falls Hydro Plant....
Closed-Loop Control for Hydraulic Laboratory Operation
The implementation of Closed-Loop Feedback Control in the Bureau of Reclamation's Hydraulic Laboratory flow delivery system has provided an important new modeling tool for...
Estimation of Urban Stormwater Quality
Two data-based methods for estimating urban stormwater quality have recently been made available - a planning level method developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),...
Instrumentation for a Dry-Pond Detention Study
A 12.3-acre, fully urbanized, residential land-use catchment was instrumented by the U. S. Geological Survey in Topeka, Kansas. Hydraulic instrumentation for flow measurement includes...
Applications of GSTARS Model
GSTARS is a Generalized Stream Tube model for Alluvial River Simulation. Depending on an engineer's need, GSTARS can be used as a fixed boundary as well as a movable boundary...
Two-Dimensional Numerical Modeling for Long-Term Sedimentation
Numerical modeling of long-term sedimentation processes in multi-dimensional models is computationally intensive and thus often uneconomical. A statistical superposition technique has...
Mathematical Modeling of Compound Channel with High Sediment Concentration
The mathematical model for erodible channels, FLUVIAL-12, has been extended to simulate the fluvial processes in the lower reach of the Yellow River in China. Fluvial processes in the...
The Bureau of Reclamation in Transition
Recognizing and responding to the changing climate in water resources, the Bureau of Reclamation recently launched a massive effort to redirect the agency's traditional mission....
The Changing Role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau's reorganization will enable it to more effectively and efficiently meet changing water resources needs in the western states. The new role of the Bureau is particularly...
Geotechnical and Hydraulic Stability Numbers for Channel Rehabilitation: Part I, the Approach
A model of incised channel evolution was developed to integrate the geotechnical and hydraulic factors that are involved in channel rehabilitation. Bank stability is attained when the...
Geotechnical and Hydraulic Stability Numbers for Channel Rehabilitation: Part II, Application
Stability numbers for bank stability (Ng) and bed stability (Nh) have been developed. Optimum placement of...
Riverbank Instability Due to Bed Degradation
Degradation lowers the bed of an alluvial channel over a long reach. This has the effect of increasing the bank heights and angles, which decreases the stability of the banks with respect...
Toe Scour Protection in Open Channels
Scour at the toe of bank protection works is one of the major causes of failure of these structures. Weighted riprap toes are frequently used to prevent bank protection failure due to...
Riprap Design by Modified Safety Factor Method
The Safety Factor method for designing riprap is based upon straight forward physics combining rock properties and flow characteristics. M.A. Stevens developed the method by summing the...
Stratigraphy of Alluvial Fan Flood Deposits
The purpose of this paper is to describe an engineering geologic technique for assessing the frequency and magnitude of sedimentation events on alluvial fans. The technique is based on...
Design Depths and Velocities on Alluvial Fans
Under Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) guidelines, flood depths and velocities on alluvial fans are determined by considering the probability of a given point on the alluvial...
Evaluating Flood Hazards on Alluvial Fans
In 1982, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) developed a methodology for the determination of flood hazard zones and base (100-year) flood elevations on alluvial fans for administering...
Computations of High-Velocity Flows on Alluvial Fans
The results of numerical models of supercritical flows on alluvial fans demonstrate the strong effect fan topography has on flow velocity and depth. Particularly important are transverse...
Initiation of Density Currents in Diverging Channels: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Data
The transition from free surface channel flow to a submerged density current has been investigated in the laboratory. A set of field data has been collected at a wastewater effluent site....
An Alternate Theory of Density Current Propagation
Density current propagation has been previously analyzed by employing a one-dimensional momentum balance in a frame of reference moving with the density current head. Experimental data...
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