Marina Facilities Planning Design and Operations in Hurricane Prone Areas
The overall growth in population of coastal areas in the southeastern and coastal regions of the Unites States has created a need for additional water related recreation facilities such...

Needs for Management and Conservation of the Southern Gulf of Mexico
The shorelines of the southern of Mexico are a mixture of varied and diverse habitats. Nearly 2,600 km of shoreline and half of the area of the Gulf of Mexico belongs to the Mexican Economic...

Nursery Culture of Scallop Seed in a Recreational Marina
This paper describes nursery culture seed in a recreational marina....

Analysis of Marsh Sedimentation Changes, Cumberland Island, Georgia
The national park service has initiated a long-term monitoring project to determine whether dredging for the King's Bay Naval Base is affecting sedimentation and erosion rates in the backbarrier...

Assessment of Technological Approaches for Measuring Wetlands Changes
Efforts to establish causal relationships have led a number of researchers to develop techniques for assessing changes in marsh environments. Until recently these techniques for assessing...

Study of the Circulatory and Salinity Changes in Galveston Bay, Texas by Using a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Transport Model
The effects of tides and freshwater inflows on the circulation and salinity changes in Galveston Bay are investigated numerically by using three-dimensional hydrodynamic and transport...

Conservation Practices Physical Effects Evaluated in Formulating Conservation Management Systems
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is responsible for providing national leadership and administration of Federal programs to conserve soil, water, and related resources on private lands...

Potential Application of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act to Washington State
Congress reauthorized the coastal barrier resources act(CBRA) in 1990. Section 6 of the law directed the department of the interior to study the feasibility of extending the provisions...

Case Studies of Ocean Outfall Inspections?San Francisco and Seattle
Discharge of effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants via outfalls into the nearshore ocean environment is a common means for disposal of waste and street water runoff coastal...

Evaluation of Plants for Coastal Dune Stabilization
The dune stabilization system used in the Phoenix Condominiums project can be used to enhance dunes all along the Atlantic and Gulf Coast. The plants and technology are available, which...

Coastal Zone Management for Saman? Bay: Integrating Community Needs
Samana Bay is the third most important breeding destination for migrating, endangered North Atlantic humpback whales, site of some of the largest remaining mangrove habitats in the Caribbean...

A Coastal Ecosystem Management and Its Effects in a Subtropical Climate: The Conceicao Lagoon
The Conceicao Lagoon on Santa Catarina Island along the south coast of Brazil constitutes a natural and scenic resource of ecological, economic and scientific value. Due to natural and...

Origin, Development and Stratigraphy of Tidal Deltas at Hurricane Pass, Pinellas County, Florida?An Example of Modern Tidal Delta Architecture from a Microtidal Coast
Sequential analysis of aerial photographs taken between 1926 and 1990 have helped to define the morphological development of the tidal deltas at Hurricane Pass, and along with other historical...

Upper Watershed Management and Sedimentation in Mugu Lagoon, Ventura County, California
Mugu Lagoon is one of the last remaining, natural salt marsh systems in southern California. In the last 90 years, sedimentation in the lagoon has increased from a geologic rate of 0.17...

An Integrated Coastal Zone Management Program for Barbados
In November 1991, a comprehensive Coastal Conservation Feasibility Study was initiated by the Government of Barbados, with partial funding from the Inter-American Development Bank. This...

Pointe Mouillee: a 4600-acre Multiple Purpose Habitat Constructed and Restored in Western Lake Erie, USA
Pointe Mouille, part of a Michigan Wildlife Management Area, is the site of a major restoration project funded and constructed in the late 1970's by the US Army Corps of Engineers and...

Nutrients in the Gulf of Mexico
Excess nutrients in the Gulf of Mexico are related to at least three important environmental problems: episodic oxygen depletion, sea grass decline, and shifts in composition of biological...

Coastal Protection Effects at Buenos Aires, Argentina
A rapid population growing and a lack of a control planing of natural coastal resources increased damage assessments. Several buildings have been carried out to obtain a shoreline stabilization...

Shoreline Environmental History: Making it Visible with Public Art and Historic Interpreation?An Olympia, Washington Case Study
This paper briefly describes the efforts under-way to understand and celebrate Olympia, Washington's shoreline environmental history by tracking its influence on water quality, marine...

Assessing the Quality of Citizen Volunteer Monitoring
Total-error profiles and quality control charts are presented as quantitative techniques to determine acceptability of methodology and analyses for volunteer water quality monitoring programs....





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