Classifying Constructability Information
Integration of constructability information in the early stages of a project is known to provide significant savings opportunities for cost and schedule. One critical part of such a program...

Constraint Management for Concurrent Design and Construction Using an Object-Oriented Project Model
To realize a richer communication among multiple disciplines participants of A/E/C project, an object-oriented product or project model is useful and powerful. especially sharing and maintaining...

Intelligent Systems for Information Retrieval in Construction
The last three decades of the scientific and business market have been signed by information revolution. In construction, large amounts of information are manipulated and consulted. Information...

Creative Engineering Design Using Analogy
Designs in different domains vary in structure, performance and in many other aspects. However, their design purposes can be achieved in a limited number of ways. In this paper, we classify...

Computer-Supported Creative Structural Design
In this paper, a model for creative engineering design using a network-based design prototype representation and a mutation technique is presented. The model distinguishes between a domain-dependent...

Optimal Adaptive and Predictive Control System of Buildings by Neural Network and Fuzzy Theory
This paper describes an optimal adaptive and predictive control system and its digital simulations for a single-degree-of-freedom system subjected to earthquake loading. In this system,...

Verification of Real-Time Software for Active Structural Control
In this paper we give an overview of our preliminary work in verifying the reliability of real-time software systems for active structural control. While there have been numerous studies...

Parallel-Adaptive Finite Element Analysis on a Transputer Cluster
This paper describes a parallel-adaptive finite element approach on a parallel transputer cluster of the MIMD type. The analysis is controlled by a special error indicator. In comparison...

Facilities Management System with CAD and Information Control Tools
This paper concerns the establishment of a facilities management (here after referred to as FM) system using ready-made computer software. In general, most so-called FM systems consist...

Standards for Digital Exchange of Information in the Building Industry
The computer has been used as an effective tool in civil engineering practice for over three decades. During that time numerous software vendors have developed their own proprietary formats...

Integrating Database and Geometric Modeling Technologies to Manage Facility Information
Existing engineering data models provide various means of representing, organizing and linking information about constructed facilities in a computer-integrated environment. However, they...

DScheduler: A Deductive Database for Scheduling Building Construction Tasks
Computer applications in the construction domain, such as construction scheduling and estimation, require a large amount of data. Reasoning with complex data is facilitated by Artificial...

Construction Information Management
Use and characteristic of Information Systems in the organizations has been changed significantly. These systems are not functionally oriented any more and they do not have any bias toward...

Containing Construction Change with Computers
This paper discusses the benefits of managing construction change orders with computers over manual methods. Construction contracts formulate change procedures that are often at odds with...

Resource Constrained Time-Space Scheduling Model
This study aims to develop a resource constrained time-space scheduling model, mainly aiming application to pipeline laying world for gas supply under roads in urban area. This model can...

Graph?database of Large Dams in China (GLDC)
GLDC is a software with the dynamic processing and categorizing of the main graphs and data of the large dams in China. It can run by means of screen sidebar menu and in interactive mode...

An Integrated Acquisition, Storage and Retrieval Multimedia System for Constructibility Lessons Learned
Constructability is defined the optimum integration of construction knowledge and experience during conceptual planning, engineering, procurement and field operations to achieve overall...

Evaluating the Use of Smart Card Systems in the Provision of Rural and Small Urban Transit Services
The overall aim of this paper is to provide assistance and direction to persons interested in assessing the use of smart card systems and other advanced public transportation systems (APTS)....

Managing the Data Explosion
Sound data management practices have always been central to a successful project. However, the data explosion brought on by high-tech electronic sensors and automatic samplers can exceed...

Promoting Management Systems Within Organizations
The major effort during the years in which pavement management emerged as an accepted practice was making refinements to the technical models and techniques in the systems. For example,...





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