Two-Dimensional Flow Visualization Using the Vortex Computer Code
A computer code has been developed to provide visualization of flow fields with regard to many hydraulic engineering design and analysis problems. The finite-difference computer code VORTEX...

Landfill Liner Hydraulics for Microcomputers
Two different models are presented for the study of sloping bottom liners for landfills. The first is based on the assumption that the leachate volume is uniformly distributed over the...

Flood Routing Through Rock Dumps in Natural Channels
The paper deals with flow through rockfill to analyze the problem of flood routing through large masses of waste rock from mining operations dumped in natural channels. Rock dumps in ephemerous...

The U.S.G.S. Modular Ground-Water Flow Model: Designed to be Understood and Adapted
The paper discusses a carefully designed model program and its complementary complete description of all of the physical and mathematical concepts used in the model. The model program...

Applicability of Groundwater Models to Microcomputers
Microcomputers represent a viable alternative to mainframe and minicomputers for the implementation of groundwater models. The criteria used to evaluate microprocessors are maximum addressable...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Two-Fluid Movement in Porous Media Using the Boundary Element Method
The paper discusses three-dimensional problems that include a denser fluid overlain by water in an unconfined aquifer. The two fluid regions are bounded by two-dimensional surfaces, including...

Generation of Steady Density Currents Through Boundary Layer Control
The paper reports on a study to explore the conditions that trigger bifurcation of ambient flow/intrusion interaction into one of two drastically different regimes, i. e. current versus...

Hydraulics of Broad Crested Weirs
The paper presents a general, basic discussion of the title subject. It begins with a definition for the broad crested weir and analytical concepts. Subjects covered subsequently include...

Velocity Distribution Factor Constraints
It has been customary to introduce the velocity distribution factors alpha and beta into the energy and momentum equations so as to avoid the integration associated with variations in...

Automated Measurement of Soil/Water Properties
An automated data-acquisition system was constructed to permit continuous operation of laboratory equipment. The apparatus was used to monitor flow through fine-grained, 'undisturbed'...

Design and Calibration of a 200-Foot Model Irrigation Border with a Computer Controlled Infiltrating Bed
A physical model of an irrigation border was constructed using a 200 ft long by 2. 5 ft wide tilting flume with a 3. 5 inch deep infiltrating gravel bed. The border was partitioned into...

Tidal Modelling on IBM Microcomputers
The finite element code, QUIET, for the simulation of two-dimensional shallow water flow has been adapted from its mainframe form for use on the IBM PC, PC/XT, or AT. The model uses of...

The Matched Artificial Dispersivity Method
The paper presents a class of models that are well-suited for microcomputing and that are based on what may be called the 'Matched Aritifical Dispersivity' method....

One-Dimensional Model for Mud Flows
In this paper a transient, one-dimensional model for dynamic flood routing of mud flows is presented. The governing equations of mass and momentum conservation incorporate laminar flow...

Finite Element Analysis of Recirculating Flows
The primitive variable and stream-function-vorticity forms of depth averaged viscous fluid flow equations are compared via finite element computations on problems with the same meshes...

Explicit Finite Element Model for Long Water Waves
An explicit finite element model for free-surface flow is presented. The model is capable of simulating long waves of various orders of approximation in one and two space dimensions. The...

Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity Variation
For a confined, sandy aquifer, the dependence of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity on the vertical coordinate has been measured using single-well tracer injection/recovery experiments....

Analytic Solution for Seepage from Saturated Soil Behind a Braced Wall
The locations of streamlines and equipotentials for two-dimensional flow in the vertical plane normal to a vertical retaining wall can be determined by various methods. Recent extension...

Analysis of Resonance in Pressurized Piping Systems Via a Microcomputer
In this paper a digital simulation technique for the analysis of resonance is presented that is appropriate for microcomputer applications. The model utilizes the transfer matrix method...

SWRRB.80: A Basin Scale Model for Microcomputers
The SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources on Rural Basins) model was developed by the USDA Agricultural Research Service to simulate the daily stream flow, and sediment loads from agricultural...





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