Evaluation and Monitoring of Pile Performance Using Dynamic Measurements in Supporting Offshore Structures
The installation of offshore platforms into deeper waters and new environments is accompanied by an increasing uncertainty in the structure response, foundation design and performance....

A Centrifuge and Analytical Study to Evaluate Suction Caissons for TLP Applications in the Gulf of Mexico
This paper documents the results of a combined centrifuge and analytical study to evaluate the behavior of steel suction caissons under loading and soil conditions typical of deepwater...

Perimeter Load Transfer in Drilled Shafts in the Eagle Ford Formation
Results of six full-scale compression loading tests at four sites in the Dallas area are considered. Compressive strengths (qc) of the rock varied...

On the Elasto-Plastic Behavior of an Unsaturated Silt
Due to technical difficulties related to the control and measurement of the suction in unsaturated soils, few experimental data on the mechanical behavior of those soils exits. The paper...

HUD Concerns: Post-Tensioned Foundations in Texas
An investigation was conducted of post-tensioned slab foundation systems in Texas pursuant to a request from the Headquarters Office's of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development...

Performance of Horizontal and Vertical Barriers
Horizontal and vertical barriers have been used on transportation facilities to control expansive soils and minimize their damages. The effort is to minimize moisture change in the soil...

The Use of Structural Composites in 21st Century Infrastructure Technology
The purpose of this paper is to create and transmit a sense of the unique benefits which effective application of composites technology can bring to the civil engineering. infrastructure...

Pultruded Composites: Materials for the 21st Century
The main objective of this paper is to introduce pultruded composites to the civil engineers and to create the awareness of its important applications. A description of the pultrusion...

21st Century Composites Require ASCE Standards and SDS
This paper describes the ASCE initiative and discusses the philosophy and needs for the structural design system (SDS) of which the standards will be a part. Our perspective is from the...

Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete II
Composite steel-concrete structures are widely used throughout the world. Applications range from buildings to bridges to foundations to special structures. In many instances extensive...

Innovation in Repair Techniques of Concrete Structures
Since the infrastructure constitutes the economic base for production and consumption, its condition is a critical determinant of the economic viability of the United States. At the present...

Plastics Composites for 21st Century Construction
This proceedings, Plastics Composites for 21st Century Construction, consists of papers presented at a session of the 1993 ASCE Annual Convention...

Strength Design for Reinforced-Concrete Hydraulic Structures
Strength Design for Reinforced-Concrete Hydraulic Structures, a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers engineering manual, provides guidance for designing...

21st Century Timber Engineering
Timber engineering is moving into the 21st Century faced with challenges in technology, governmental mandates and environmental concerns. Engineers are continuously being challenged in...

The Copper-Clad Library
The design vocabulary for the new Phoenix Central Library includes saddlebags, power bellies, tensegrity and corrugated siding. The saddlebags are copper-clad, steel-framed core structures...

Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures II
This proceedings, Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures, presents papers from an international workshop sponsored by ASCE-ACI...

Reliability and Uncertainty Analyses in Hydraulic Design
Prepared by the Subcommittee on Uncertainty and Reliability Analyses in Design of Hydraulic Structures of the Technical Committee on Probabilistic Approaches to Hydraulics of ASCE. ...

Airport Towers: A New Generation
Airport control towers are a unique building type with monumental significance, both for the cities that own and operate the airports, and for the FAA which owns and operates them. Airport...

The Hazard In Using Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis has been used extensively for major dams; nuclear power plants; liquefied petroleum gas installations; repositories for dangerous wastes; sensitive...

A Dome To Remember
Under intense pressure from all sides, a trio of engineering and architectural firms working in San Antonio, Tex., turned the political coal of a stadium everyone wanted to build (but...





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