Scheduling in Manually Controlled Canal Irrigation Delivery Systems
The effects of canal transients on scheduling water delivery to an irrigated area are described using a linearized form of flow equation obtained from a zero-inertia momentum equation...

Modeling Flow in an Ephemeral Stream Channel
A particularly distinguishing characteristic of ephemeral streamflow is the large role played by infiltration. Infiltration interacts in a complex way with channel flow to control the...

Anadromous Fish Impacts at Proposed Hydroelectric Plants
This paper describes a series of field techniques successfully used by the authors to determine a minimum flow downstream of hydroelectric plants. The minimum flow of water required for...

Teaching Open Channel Design with Programmable Pocket Calculators
The goal of the basic open channel flow course is to present the theory of steady flow of water in open channels and some channel design practice. This paper presents the evolution of...

Hydropower Surveys with Microcomputers
A microcomputer program, HYFEAS, has been written in BASIC for use in pre-feasibility assessments of a given site. HYFEAS uses a flow duration curve, headwater and tailwater curves, information...

Microcomputer Simulation of Jets and Wakes
Illustrations are presented for radial jets and for turbulent flows in the wake of circular cylinders. The paper illustrates the use and importance of low-cost computational tools in engineering...

A 1-D Saltwater Intrusion Program on the IBM-PC
A one-dimensional finite element program has been developed for use on the IBM-PC as an aid to teaching groundwater hydrology to students. The program uses linear elements and the Galerkin...

Estimating Peak Flow Reduction in Small Reservoirs
A microcomputer program is used to provide a simple and rapid estimate of the peak outflow from such reservoirs. Peak flow values, determined by flood frequency analysis or regional flood...

Predicting Overland Flow and Infiltration
The kinematic overland flow and the Green-Ampt infiltration equations are coupled and rewritten in terms of several nondimensional parameters. Constant values of these parameters imply...

Computerized Information for Selecting Protected Streamflow
For developing criteria for protected flow (the flow below which water withdrawals for offstream uses are not permitted) for streams in a relatively hydrologically homogeneous region,...

Vertical Transport of Fine-Grained Sediments in Suspensions
Numerical-model sensitivity studies were made to determine the effect of bed flux on the vertical distribution of fine-grained material suspended in turbulent flow. The transport equation...

Simulating Flow in the Tidal Potomac River
A one-dimensional unsteady flow model has been applied to the tidal Potomac River, including its major tributaries and marginal embayments, between Washington, D. C. and Indian Head, Md....

Canal Discharge Impacts on Fahka Union Bay
The effect of a large drainage canal's discharge on Fahka Union Bay's value as a nursery ground for estuarine-dependent fish and shellfish, including commercially...

Numerical Modelling of Pollutant Transport from a Pond to a Stream
The problem of transport of pollutants in groundwater flow from a polluted shallow pond to a natural stream is considered. A numerical model predicting changes in quality of ground water...

Flowfield Analysis with a Workstation
An engineering analysis workstation has been developed to expedite flow analysis. The workstation couples a microcomputer, a powerful numerical equation solver, and a versatile graphics...

Numerical Modeling of Fine Sediment Physical Processes
Fine sediment in channels, rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters undergo several physical processes including flocculation, floc disruption, deposition, bed consolidation, and resuspension....

Energy Dissipation in Tidal Waterways
Energy dissipation in tidal waterways is estimated analytically by a harmonic method. Calibration of harmonic parameters is done through numerical simulation. Relations between tidal energy...

Open Channel Flowrate Measurement Using Multipath Acoustic Flowmeters
Recent acoustic flowmeter developments have improved the applicability and accuracy of the multipath acoustic measurement technique. Accuracy, hardware cost and calibration cost can be...

The Effects of Long Term Withdrawals on the Mid and Lower Hawthorne Aquifers, Cape Coral, Florida
The paper reports on a study to assess the water resource availability of two artesian aquifers (the mid-Hawthorn and lower Hawthorn) in Cape Coral, Florida. The impacts of future withdrawal...

A General Microcomputer Approach for Evaluating Ground-Water Responses
A general impulse response function for calculating responses for stream-aquifer interaction, pumping in leaky and nonleaky artesian aquifers, and two dimensional dispersion is presented....





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