Design of Semi-Closed Pipeline Systems
Semi-closed pipeline systems controlled by downstream activated float valves permit low pressure pipeline systems to communicate information from the outflow location back to the source...

Case Study?Closed Pipeline Systems
The paper discusses closed pipeline system and its automation, including variable pumping rates, sensing devices, automatic controls, pressure regulators, flow measuring devices, surge...

Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Rehabilitation Program
The Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District obtained funding from the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Washington to replace an open canal and lateral irrigation delivery system...

Design Considerations for Hydraulic Jump Structures
The primary purpose of this paper is to define the areal distribution of large-scale pressure pulses acting on the containment structure of a hydraulic jump. The results presented are...

Pressure Fluctuations on the Floow of Hydraulic Jumps
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation regarding the variation of r. m. s. value of pressure fluctuations on the floor of free and forced hydraulic jumps formed...

Hydraulic Structures on Piles
Many hydraulic structures built in the early 1900's were founded on piles. Today, when these structures are analyzed as 'pile-supported', the analyses...

Consolidation of Slurried Soils
This paper describes the use of large strain consolidation theory and centrifugal modelling to study the consolidation behavior of slurries. Laboratory testing of the slurry is needed...

Suspended Material Transport at New Bedford, MA
Evaluation of suspended material migration was a task in a study of sediment-associated contaminant migration. New Bedford Harbor is a vertically well-mixed, shallow estuary with little...

Update: Fluidization for Tidal Channel Maintenance
Flow emanating from perforations in a pipe under a non-cohesive media, such as sand in the coastal environment, can fluidize the overlying media. The fluidized sand can be readily moved...

Numerical Modeling of Column Separation with Large Pressure Pulses
Liquid transients involving column separation occur in pipelines when the pressure drops to the vapor pressure of the liquid. The collapse of vapor cavities may result in short duration...

Modeling Sediment Yield Affected by In-Stream Sand Mining
Sediment yield refers to the amount of sediment having passed a given river section for a specified duration. While sediment will be stored in the borrow pit, it will also be depleted...

Optimal Design of Large Scale Water Distribution Systems
This paper presents a methodology for the design of least cost water distribution systems. The advantage of the formulation compared to the other techniques in the literature is that it...

Modeling Materials for Protecting Earth Weirs
This paper reports laboratory experiments on various materials used to protect earth weirs. Dumped rock, gabion mattresses, and shaped blocks on a gravel layer were subjected to high velocity...

Water Distribution System Design by Chance-Constrained Model
The objective of this paper is to present an optimization model for the design of water distribution systems considering the uncertainty in required demands, required pressures, and pipe...

Model for the Optimal Rehabilitation and Replacement of Water Distribution System Components
The objective of the model presented is to determine the minimum cost solution, given the nonlinear nature of the equations required to describe the cost and the hydraulics of a water...

Reinforcement of Steep Grassed Waterways
A collaborative research program has been undertaken in the UK to develop guidelines for the use of various proprietary reinforcement systems to enhance the erosion resistance of grass...

Evaluation of Sand as a Modeling Material Using Vellinga's Guidance
An experimental series of flume tests were conducted using three sizes of sand as modeling sediment in order to evaluate the effect of sediment grain size and the range of validity of...

Mechanics of Embankment Erosion During Overflow
Thousands of dams built in the United States have a potential to be overtopped by flood flows. It is necessary to understand the mechanics of embankment erosion in order to evaluate the...

Vegetal Protection of Embankments and Spillways
Recent advances in the application of tractive stress to the design of grass-lined open channels are used to develop a tentative procedure for analyzing the hydraulic performance of vegetated...

Predicting and Minimizing Embankment Damage Due to Flood Overtopping
Under a contract with the Federal Highway Administration and Bureau of Reclamation, Simons, Li & Associates, Inc. (SLA) is conducting an overtopping damage study to evaluate various...





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