Movement of Sediment Mixtures in a Parabolic Flume with Simulated Rainfall
A 4-m long flume with parabolic cross section and adjustable slope was constructed to investigate the sediment carrying capacity and the variation of grain size distribution during deposition....

Bed Topography and Sorting in Alluvial Channel Bends
A quasi-three-dimensional model has been developed for the purpose of calculating the velocity distribution, the bed topography and sediment sorting along channel bends. The depth-averaged...

Surface Roughness with Erosion of Earth Channels
A determination of the stresses effective in soil detachment is essential in determining erodibility. The soil roughness that exists during testing and in natural channels is a key element...

An Ongoing Investigation of Residual Suspended Material Transport in Central San Francisco Bay, CA
A study of suspended material transport in San Francisco Bay, California, is presently underway by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This paper describes preliminary numerical model and...

Automation of Existing Dam Control Schemes
For installations that are already in operation, the following advantages are obtained from installing new electronic equipment: In the case that the dam or certain measuring stations...

Design and Construction of the Moose River Hydroelectric Project
The project's main features are: a 7 ft high, 240 ft long cast-in-place concrete overflow weir; bell mouth entrance concrete intake structure with trashrack and trashrake;...

Reduced O&M Costs through Better Metallurgy
There are many areas in hydroelectric power plants where better materials of construction can reduce operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Some of the most nagging problems deal...

Asphalt-Rubber Concrete?A New Horizon
The performance of asphalt concrete pavements is dependent to a large degree upon the rheological properties of the asphalt binder. Asphalt-rubber as a binder material extends the temperature...

Hot Mix Asphalt Utilization in Railway Trackbeds
Described herein are the rationales for, descriptions of and evaluations of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) trackbed rehabilitation and construction techniques recently utilized in various classes...

Liability Traps to Avoid
This presentation shows several problem situations and the rules of the game as played by the industry and the courts. It makes three basic assumptions. One, the Materials Engineer knows...

Box Segmentals: Refining Design
Officials at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which has built more precast concrete segmental box girder bridges than any other state, say their troubles with that design...

Creative Application of Materials Engineering
Society's demand for an aesthetically pleasing and safe constructed environment, along with the construction industry's higher and higher costs, dictate that...

Affordable Housing and the Civil Engineer
The Joint Venture for Affordable Housing (JVAH) Demonstration. Program accomplished the goal and reduced the first time cost of housing by up to 30% through the use of innovative methods...

Specification as a Requirement for Hot Mix Asphalt
A brief description of the current national research programs that affect the development of specifications is included in this paper. Elements of the Strategic Highway Research Program...

Specifications and Constructibility
The article discusses these and other aspects of the subject, including training programs for inspectors and project managers, research/development and pilot testing of new products, methods...

Tunnel Maintenance Operations
Maintenance considerations during both the design and operational phases are very important to good tunnel maintenance. The use of proper materials able to withstand the rigorous environment...

Automatic Construction Scheduling From Drawings
Generating and maintaining construction schedules from architectural drawings is vital to both construction and design professionals. Automating the task requires combining a CAD system...

Who Pays for the Unexpected in Construction?A Contractor's Viewpoint
There are two categories of 'unexpected' conditions inherent in a construction contract. The first are what might be regarded as normal construction risk such...

Developing Performance Concrete and Its Acceptance by Code Authorities
Projects incorporating the benefits of Performance Oriented Concrete frequently occur within the established jurisdictions of specific building departments, highway departments, or other...

Specifications for Masonry Structures
Specifications for Masonry Structure (AC1530.1-88/ASCE6-88) is a joint effort of the American Concrete Institute and the American Society of...





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