Urban Stormwater - Quality Investigations by the USGS
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) urban stormwater investigations, in cooperation with local and Federal agencies, have produced significant national data bases of information and enhanced...

Modeling Urban Runoff Quality: State-of-the-Art
Procedures used in urban runoff quality modeling are reviewed in the context of common objectives of urban runoff quality analysis. The need for calibration/verification data is emphasized...

Physical and Chemical Data Needs for Design
The problems and deficiencies in the existing characterisation and evaluation of urban stormwater runoff quality are examined through discussion of adopted and proposed design criteria...

Toxicology and Chemistry of Metals in Urban Runoff
Water quality characteristics such as inorganic and organic ligands, pH, and water hardness will reduce the toxicity of metals through different chemical or physiological mechanisms. Increases...

Disciplinary Integration: The Solution
The objective of this paper is to encourage a careful review of the interactions between engineers and bioenvironmental scientists (biologists, ecologists, and ecotoxicologists) as they...

Review of Data Needs and Collection Technology
The quality - or pollutional effect - of urban runoff has not attained a societal level of importance sufficient to support understanding it, much less controlling it. The paper reviews...

Estimation of Urban Storm-Runoff Loads
The United States was divided into three regions, on the basis of mean annual rainfall, to decrease the variability in storm-runoff constituent loads and to improve regression relations...

Urban Runoff and Water Quality Criteria
The significance of water quality impacts from urban runoff could be judged on the basis of existing water quality criteria developed to control continuous point source discharges. Wet-weather...

Pollution Sources and Potential Impacts?Next Steps
The paper presents the propositions that there is much to learn about what determines the magnitude and variability of pollutant loads in urban runoff; and with the exception of nutrient...

Potential Impacts on Receiving Waters
As a discrete source of water-borne pollutants that are discharged to receiving waters, urban stormwater runoff can be and has been in specific instances a source of water quality problems....

EPA's Perspective of Urban Nonpoint Sources
The overall goal of the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) was to develop information that would help provide local decision makers, States, EPA, and other interested parties with...

Stormwater Management in Orlando, Florida
Metropolitan Orlando, Florida contains 82 lakes and approximately 200 drainage wells which serve as ultimate outfall for stormwater runoff. The quality of the surface receiving waters...

Regional BMP Master Plans
This paper summarizes some important considerations and procedures for developing comprehensive nonpoint pollution management plans relying upon regional facilities. The advantages and...

Cost of Urban Runoff Quality Controls
This paper attempts to provide guidance in the evaluation, selection and planning of various BMPs by comparing their costs and cost-effectiveness, in terms of pollutant removal capabilities....

Workshops on Research and Future Activities Needs
During the conference, a questionnaire listing proposed topical areas was given to participants, along with instructions to indicate their first three preferences and to propose additional...

Case Studies of Need-Based Quality-Quantity Control Projects
This paper briefly describes several nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control projects motivated largely by local need, not by government regulatory and funding programs. The case studies...

Lognormality of Point and Non-Point Source Pollutant Concentrations
This paper presents a series of probability plots of water quality data from a variety of discharge sources. It is intended to provide a visual display of the appropriateness of characterizing...

Estimation of Pollution from Highway Runoff?Initial Results
One of the first tasks in the present effort was to assemble a data base of highway runoff characteristics. In the paper that data base is described, the data are summarized, and best...

Modeling Human Error in Structural Design and Construction
Human error is recognized as the major cause of structural failure. Moreover, it may greatly exacerbate the damaging effect of other hazards, such as earthquakes. The objectives of this...

Recent Developments in Structural Optimization
This publication contains seven papers that emphasize the recent findings of mathematical formulations, numerical results, and algorithms in structural optimization. Among them, two deal...





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