The Benefit of Utilizing Case Specific Modelling and Data to Determine Effluent Limitations
This abstract refers to the results of a normal conservative approach to a more realistic, substantiated approach to determining effluent limitations. The new approach was used to establish...

Development of a Coastal Oil Spill Model
An integrated coastal oil spill model (designated 'SMEAR') is being developed for Minerals Management Service, Alaska, with broad application to all coastal environments....

Simulating Nonpoint Source Runoff to Coastal Waters
The simulation of nonpoint source runoff to coastal waters is based on data requirements of land use, soil type. Evapotranspiration and runoff capacity are determined from terrestrial...

Application of an Ecosystem/Water Quality Model as a Tool for Managing Estuarine Water Quality
A laterally averaged two-dimensional computer model was developed to simulate the hydrodynamics, transport, and ecosystem dynamics of Budd Inlet, a small partially mixed estuary located...

Mitigation Features for Marinas
The John Wayne Marina was permitted for construction only after certain design features were altered to accommodate major biological and water quality concerns. The moorage basin was relocated...

North Fraser Harbour Environmental Management Plan
In April 1985, the North Fraser Harbour Commission (NFHC) initiated work to establish an environmental management program for the North Fraser Harbour to be jointly administered by the...

Economical Solutions for Dredged Material Disposal
During the 1970's, the State of Wisconsin expressed concern about contamination of dredged materials and the deposition of pollutants into Wisconsin's Great Lakes...

Tiered Sediment Quality Evaluations for Dredging Projects
Sediment and water quality are evaluated frequently for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (CoE) dredging projects to assess potential biological effects, as required for compliance with environmental...

Protocol for Deep Ocean Disposal Monitoring
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in conjunction with other agencies, is mandated to monitor...

Coastal and Marine Resource Management Prospects in Somalia
The main coastal resource management issues in Somalia are centered in the terrestrial component of the coastal zone. There are no significant problems of marine pollution or the overexploitation...

Oil Pollution in Suexz Gulf of the Red Sea
The population along the Red Sea coast is small, but this sea is now one of the most important areas in the world, for it is the route for ships using the Suez Canal. Many vessels transit...

Design of Geosynthetic Systems for Waste Disposal
Geosynthetic materials (consisting of geotextiles, geomembranes, geogrids and geocomposites) are currently being used in large amounts to contain solid wastes in landfills, surface impoundments...

Chemical Effects on Clay Hydraulic Conductivity
Hydraulic conductivity and its susceptibility to changes with time or exposure to chemicals are major factors in selection of clay for use in waste containment barriers. Available concepts...

Design and Performance of Earth-Lined Containment Systems
Engineers have been designing and constructing earthen containment structures for many tens of years. These structures have historically been embankment dams, petroleum storage impoundments,...

Ion Transfer by Diffusion Through Clayey Barriers
The practical aspects of pollutant migration by diffusion through clayey barriers is presented. The discussion is generally restricted to soils of pH approximately equals 8 which contain...

Pollutant Transport Through Barriers
Methods of predicting contaminant transport through saturated and unsaturated clayey barriers are reviewed. Particular consideration is given to the relative importance of advection and...

Vertical Barriers in Soil for Pollution Containment
Vertical barriers have evolved over the past fifteen years into a technique that is widely applied to restrict the underground movement of liquid wastes and polluted groundwater. Most...

Movement of Nonaqueous Liquids in Groundwater
Evidence from field sites indicates that when nonaqueous liquids, such as organic solvents and gasoline, are released into the subsurface environment they tend to remain as a separate...

Assessment of Pore Fluid Effects Using Flexible Wall and Consolidation Permeameters
Hydraulic conductivity tests were conducted on compacted soil specimens prepared at activities of 0. 36, 0. 60, 1. 00 and 1. 39 at a fine fraction of 25 percent. Na-montmorillonite, Georgia...

Containment of Low-Level Radioactive Material
The U. S. Department of Energy has completed a short term storage site for the containment of low-level radioactive residues and contaminated soil near Lewiston, New York. The site, known...





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