Laboratory Methods for Preparing Low-Density Frozen Saline Soil Samples
Laboratory methods were developed for preparing low-density frozen saline soil samples with density values ranging from 85-110 lb/ft3. This range...

Numerical Analysis of Frost Shields
The term 'frost sheilding' has been used to describe the practice of using flat stock rigid insulation materials burial above a water or sewer pipe to reduce...

Computer Predictions of Thaw Beneath Gravel Embankments on Warm Permafrost
A computer model was used to simulate the freeze-thaw effects of gravel embankments on warm permafrost typical of south-central Alaska using a one-dimensional finite-difference code, FREZ1D....

Friction and Cohesion in Ice Rubble Reviewed
An argument is ventured that accumulations of ice rubble undergoing continuous shear deformation are essentially cohesionless. In terms of the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, therefore,...

A Conceptual Model for Vertical Frazil Distribution in Turbulent Flows
A conceptual model is presented for the evolution of frazil over depth in a turbulent flow. The net upward migration due to buoyancy of the frazil is opposed by intermittent mixing induced...

Small-Scale Meteorology of Freezing Precipitation
Freezing rain and glazing are extremely disruptive to transportation, communication and power transmission. Local variations in the occurrence of freezing rain may be difficult to forecast....

Analysis of Soil-Stress Cell Interaction
Static loading experiments conducted on a soil stress cell embedded in a sand are presented. Stress cell performance was evaluated by comparing the indicated stress against the expected...

On the Constitutive Behavior of Single Ice Crystals Due to Dislocation Mechanisms
A three-dimensional constitutive relation is derived for single ice crystals. The formulation is developed in terms of dislocation processes on the basal, prism, and pyramidal planes....

Visco-elasticity and the Compressive Failure of Polycrystalline Ice
The analysis of the visco-elasticity of polycrystalline ice is addressed. Experimental results on isotropic and anisotropic polycrystalline ice are presented, which indicate that intracrystalline...

Anelastic Straining in Polycrystalline Ice
This paper presents experimental observations on the influence of stress, grain size and total strain level on the magnitude of anelastic strain in granular freshwater ice. Cyclic loading...

Fractal Crushing
This paper develops an approach to a two-dimensional fragmentation process, in which floating ice floes are driven against each other and break up into smaller floes. It first considers...

Effect of Grain Size Variation on Damage in Polycrystalline Ice
This paper studies the effect of grain size distributions on damage accumulation in polycrystalline ice under uniaxial compression. The numerical results are derived from the internal-variable...

Fracture Resistance to Cracking in Ice: Initiation and Growth
The issue of notch sensitivity and brittleness of the test failure is used to forecast the necessary specimen size for a material property initiation toughness; a methodology is developed...

Laboratory Observations of Macroscopic Failure Modes in Freshwater Ice
A review is presented of tests performed in the laboratory by several investigators on indentation in freshwater ice. A number of the observed failure modes are discussed. From the results,...

Modeling of Floating Ice Sheets
Rectangular finite elements are studied and their suitability to investigate behavior of floating ice sheets is discussed. A simple model of the plate on one parameter, Wrinkler type,...

Loads and Vibration Induced by Compressive Failure of Ice
In earlier work, attention was focussed on the narrow length of crushed ice adjacent to the structure, which was seen as the seat of vibration associated with ice crushing. Crushed ice...

Application of Ice/Structure Interaction Concepts to a Real Time Ice Risk Assessment Computer Model
The successful and safe operation of an Arctic offshore exploration structure greatly depends on the implementation of alerts procedures. In order to assess alerts levels, a computer model...

Wang's Equation for Ice Forces From a Pressure Ridge
Yung-shih (Tony) Wang has presented an equation for the breaking loads from a multiyear pressure ridge on a conical structure. The three distances that define the position of the plastic...

Snow Transport as a Function of Wind Speed and Height
When limitations are placed on mass flux in the saltation layer, a regression equation relating mass flux to wind speed and height above surface, developed by Mellor and Fellers (1986),...

Recommended Cold Regions Meteorological Instrumentation
For nearly 30 years, CRREL has studied environmental conditions in winter weather. These efforts have concentrated on providing field-measured meteorological data and historical climatological...





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