The Status of the Site Characterization and Validation Program in Phase III of the OECD/NEA Stripa Project
In 1980, the International Stripa Project was organized under the aegis of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency for the purpose of conducting research, at the Stripa mine in Sweden, related...

Two Citizen Task Forces and the Challenge of the Evolving Nuclear Waste Siting Process
Siting any nuclear waste facility is problematic in today's climate of distrust toward nuclear agencies and fear of nuclear waste. This study compares and contrasts the siting...

The Development of Small Area Socioeconomic Data to be Utilized for Impact Analysis: Rural Southern Nevada
This paper describes the process by which economic and demographic estimates and projections will be prepared to determine the potential economic and demographic impacts that may result...

Site Selection Criteria for Constructing an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) at a Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
Commercial nuclear power plants in the U.S. are responsible for providing their own interim storage for excess spent fuel. A facility located onsite, acting as a buffer between in-pool...

Concrete Cask Storage Technology
The paper presents the design and operation of the new dry storage system for nuclear waste. The system was designed by complete nuclear, thermal-hydraulic and structural analysis to the...

Properties of the West Valley Waste Form
The centroid composition of the West Valley Demonstration Project waste form has been selected on the basis of criteria mandating high chemical durability and good processibility. A review...

Soluble High-Level Waste Decontamination and Disposal at the Savannah River Site
The high-level radioactive waste that has accumulated at the Savannah River Site is stored in large underground steel tanks. Programs to remove the soluble waste from the storage tanks,...

The Technical Review Group: An Application of the Quality Assurance Program Descriptions for Defense High-Level Waste Processing
This paper describes the formation of a technical review group (TRG) as an early application of the quality assurance program for high-level waste processing. The objectives and functions...

The DWPF Product, and Its Qualification Program
The Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) at the Savannah River Site (SRS) will be the first facility in the nation capable of immobilizing high-level nuclear waste. Production of DWPF...

Computed Distributions of Residual Shaft Drilling and Drift Construction Water in the Exploratory Facilities at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The Yucca Mountain Project is studying the feasibility of constructing a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain in southwest Nevada. One activity of site characterization...

Research for Final Disposal of Unreprocessed Spent Nuclear Fuel in Sweden
The second Swedish programme on research, development and demonstration in the nuclear radioactive waste management area was submitted by SKB to the Swedish National Board for Spent Nuclear...

Linkage Between Site Characterization Program and Performance and Design Data Needs
The basis for identifying site-specific data needs for the Yucca Mountain site was a thorough review and evaluation of the regulatory requirements for a geologic repository. The U.S. Nuclear...

Preliminary Conceptual Design Description of the Proposed DOE Store-Only Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Facility
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 required DOE to examine the options for the provision of long term spent fuel storage in monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facilities. Specifically,...

Ventilation and Construction Considerations for a High Level Nuclear Waste Repository
The storage of high level nuclear waste in an underground repository presents engineering problems in ventilation, construction methods and plan, and in proposed retrievability. Temperatures...

Requirements and Concept for an On-Orbit Construction Facility for Phase 1 Space Station Freedom
Future NASA plans for exploring the solar system and programs such as the Large Deployable Reflector and Pathfinder require in-space construction for their success. The technologies required...

Space Station Freedom Attached Payloads and Commercialization
The Space Station Freedom (SSF) accommodates a class of payloads called external attached payloads. These payloads are attached to the main truss of Space Station Freedom through the use...

Technology Needs Development and Orbital Support Requirements for Manned Lunar and Mars Missions
This paper will present an overview of the critical technology needs and the Space Station Freedom (SSF) focused support requirements for the Office of Exploration's (OEXP)...

MALEO: Modular Assembly in Low Earth Orbit: An Alternate Strategy for Lunar Base Deployment
Modular Assembly in Low Earth Orbit (MALEO) is a new strategy for building an initial operational capability lunar habitation base. In this strategy, the lunar base components are brought...

Application of Automation and Robotics to Lunar Surface Human Exploration Operations
Major results of a study (RLSO, 89) applying automation and robotics to lunar surface base buildup and operations concepts are reported. The study developed a reference base scenario with...

Site Constraints for a Lunar Base
A rigorous site plan is a prerequisite for quantitative analyses of lunar base operations. The development of such a site plan, done for a detailed lunar base study (RLSO, 89), is described...





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