U.S. Embassy In Moscow: A Structural Stalemate
The fate of the nearly finished American embassy in Moscow should be decided by next fall. In the meantime, it stands empty. On April 15, 1987, Congress made public a National Bureau of...
Priority Integrated Pipe Evaluation
The selection of the most suitable pipe for a given site involves the consideration of many factors affecting pipe performance. The factors to consider in sewer pipe evaluation and selection...
Considerations in the Design and Installation of Horizontally Drilled Pipeline River Crossings
The authors will present a review of directionally controlled horizontal drilling techniques for pipeline installation by describing the state-of-the-art of the process vis-a-vis subsurface...
Specifications for Trenchless Excavation
Many advancements and innovations have developed recently in the utilization of trenchless excavation, techniques throughout the world. In many instances, design details and specifications...
Retrospective Look Into Design Challenges of Boston Interceptors
The purpose of this paper is to share with designers and owners a retrospective evaluation of a major sewer system design effort. The process by which a major sewer design project reaches...
Current Developments in Reinsulating/Waterproofing Underground Steam Mains in New York City
The objective of Con Edison's reinsulation project is to develop the materials and technology necessary to reinsulate those steam distribution mains having excessive thermal...
Pipeline Curvature by Polynomial Approximation
Since start-up of the trans-Alaska pipeline in June of 1977, a variety of techniques have been investigated to monitor pipe settlement and evaluate associated pipe integrity. During the...
Corrosion Monitoring of Critical Service Pipelines
Corrosion, including microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), is receiving much attention as a significant piping material performance concern particularly for critical service pipelines...
Iowa's Experience with Various Types of Pipe in Natural Gas Service
The Utilities Division, Iowa Department of Commerce, is responsible for the rate, service, and safety regulation of utility companies in the State of Iowa. This paper will summarize a...
Boston's Water Distribution Corrosion Control Program
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission (Commission) was formed in 1977 with a mandate to maintain sound, economical, and efficient systems for water distribution and wastewater collection...
Soil Parameters for Design of Buried Pipelines
This paper presents the table of recommended design parameters for soil, shows their physical significance, and compares the resulting stiffness and strength for the variety of soil and...
New Installation Designs for Buried Concrete Pipe
The rational development of new installation designs for buried concrete pipe is described. Over 100 analyses were performed using a new computer program named SPIDA (Soil Pipe Interaction...
A Multilayered Model for Analysis of Composite Pipes
A multilayered model is developed to analyze the behavior of composite pipes, such as prestressed concrete pipe, to the combined effects of internal pressure and applied loads. The pipe...
An Investigation of Field Performance of Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pipes
Every year many new pipe materials appear on the market for various applications. One of the important factors the design engineer and the user should consider while evaluating new products...
Successful Rehabilitation of Sewers at Hawaii Kai
Two common problems in sanitary sewer deterioration are hydrogen sulfide attack to concrete pipe and structures and infiltration leakage into the system. Within the 100 miles (160 km)...
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Results From Stege Sanitary District
Seven sewer agencies, including Stege Sanitary District, in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area embarked on a 20-year capital improvement program in 1987. The 300 million construction...
Los Angeles' Small Main Programs
Large quantities of small diameter mains within Los Angeles' water distribution network has necessitated the development of new main improvement programs. The introduction...
Bartolo Water Pipeline Rehabilitation Study
Restoration of old, large-diameter pipelines in highly urban settings presents challenges in cost effectively preparing the structures for reliable service under modern operating conditions....
Inspection of Under Bridge Length Culverts
Culverts over 20 feet in span length are classified as bridges and are inspected under the National Bridge Inventory and Inspection Program. Those facilities under bridge length, less...
The Use of Restrained Joint Ductile Iron Pipe
This paper addresses some of the problems we at U. S. Pipe have observed from restrained joint installations during the past several years and the solutions devised. The restrained joints...
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