Port Planning after Earthquake Damage
The earthquake of March 1985 affected two important ports in Chile: Valparaiso and San Antonio. While emergency measures succeeded in solving immediate operational problems, there remain...

The Application of Computer Simulation in the Design of Marine Terminals and the Scheduling of Ship Traffic
This paper describes a software package which simulates the operations of marine terminals. The computer programs were designed to assess the effectiveness of the available design alternatives...

Terminal 18 Entry Facility?Port of Seattle
This paper presents a successful approach that was used in the planning, design, permit coordination, and expansion of the entry/exit facilities at Terminals 18 and 20 at the Port of Seattle....

Conversion of Keppel Wharves Conventional Berths 42 & 43 to Container Berths C13 and C14, Singapore
With further growth of container traffic expected in the 80's the need for additional facilities was apparent. Following an evaluation of available alternative sites, it was...

Siltation of the Port of Astoria
Sedimentation rates suddenly increased in the Port of Astoria, Oregon, immediately following the May 18, 1980 ash eruption of Mt. St. Helens. This ash was transported down the Columbia...

Fourth Generation Container Crane Characteristics
The specification of container crane characteristics requires the examination and identification of numerous ship and terminal operating parameters and trends to ensure that the specified...

Trends in Containerships and Their Impact on Terminal Design
A revolution in ocean shipping operations, affecting both landside equipment and cargo handling methods, is underway. In today's container shipping industry, maximum efficiency...

Terminal Development as Affected by New Generation Ships
Howland Hook Marine Terminal, New York, serves to illustrate how an existing terminal, built to the older standards, can be adapted to accommodate these larger ships that not only stretch...

Container Crane Transfer Methods
Four schemes are presented for transferring container cranes around a corner: 1) transfer of crane on curved rail, 2) recessed short-radius shuttle, 3) recessed turntable and, 4) at-grade...

Innovative Bulkhead Design: Third Port Project?St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
This paper describes an innovative design making use of a 'master pile' bulkhead to support the waterside rail for travelling container cranes as well as to retain...

Recent Trends and Advances in Bulk Cargo Unloading
The progress in loading of bulk cargo into ships has matched the advances in ships' size. The same could not be said for getting bulk material out of the hold of a ship, in...

Design and Construction of Marine Facilities for Ridley Island Coal Terminal
The design and construction of the wharf for 250,000 DWT bulk carriers is discussed in this paper. The terminal project was carried out on fast-track, 23 month schedule, with construction...

Lessons Learned from the Certification of Graving Docks, Marine Railways, Vertical Lifts and Shipbuilding Ways
Because of the hazards which exist during the ship docking, undocking, launching and while the ship is being built or repaired, the Navy has determined a requirement exists for system...

Report of Task Committee on Drydock Design Criteria
This paper briefly summarizes the work carried out by a Task Committee on Drydock Design Criteria which was established by the Committee on Ports and Harbors. The Committee was established...

Louisiana Avenue Wharf E: Rehabilitate the Existing Wharf into a Container Terminal
The Port of New Orleans is currently modernizing the existing facilities in order to handle the containerized cargos, therefore enabling it to compete with other ports located on the Gulf...

National Port Issues
The adequacy of U. S. ports to meet the Nation's present and future needs was evaluated by a Committee of the Marine Board, National Research Council. The changing character...

Tunnel Ceiling Replaced over traffic
The ceiling of the Holland Tunnel under the Hudson River, connecting New Jersey and Manhattan, was 59 years old and needed replacement, a big job because there are 3 miles of ceiling in...

Predicting Radon Transport by Vegetation
Establishment of a vegetative cover on waste sites containing **2**2**6Ra (Radium) may provide conduits for transport of **2**2**2Rn (Radon) out of the waste into the above-ground environment...

Design of Final Covers for Landfills
Final covers or caps are incorporated into a completed landfill to limit the amount of moisture percolation through waste materials. A properly designed final cover system provides the...

Models of Organics Transport Through Soil Columns
A mathematical model is proposed for the transfer of organic solutes in soil. Two cases are considered namely transport of non-adsorptive solutes and transport of adsorptive solutes. Comparative-study...





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