Cooperation and Competitiveness in IVHS
This paper is an attempt to understand the competitive aspects involved in the implementation of IVHS technologies worldwide. IVHS concepts and products are envisaged in similar ways in...

Optimal Strategy Within a Traffic Control Center
This paper describes part of a new Central Traffic Control System (CTCS), implemented in several sites in Europe, and recently in Haifa, Israel. The CTCS effected in Haifa contains enhanced...

A Neural Network Model for Data Fusion in ADVANCE
As current state of the art technology on smart cars and Smart Highways is processing, applications of advanced technologies in transportation engineering are becoming more and more important....

Univeral System Architecture ? Based on European Field Trials
From the ongoing major IVHS/RIT operational field tests in Europe and taking into account the results of the 3 years Berlin field trial LISB it can be assumed that the winning communications...

Modeling Route Guidance Systems Using the Integration Model
In-vehicle Route Guidance Systems (RGS) have been proposed as a potentially cost-effective means of alleviating the impact of traffic congestion in urban areas. This paper describes means...

An Information Network for Route Guidance and Travel Guidance Systems
Automotive Route Guidance Systems are being marketed and tested around the world. These systems provide easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to guide a driver to any location in a...

Dynamic Traveler Information and Transit Ridership
Over the past decade, the Southern California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) has developed an extensive database with dynamic transit schedule and route guidance information. To investigate...

Bellevue Smart Traveler: Reducing SOV Commuting
The Bellevue Smart Traveler (BTS) research team is currently developing a prototype traveler information center (TIC) to serve a downtown office complex in Bellevue, Washington. The goal...

Twelve Keys to Improved IVHS Evaluations
Evaluation plays an important role in the development of credible information on intelligent vehicle-highway system (IVHS) performance. In December 1992, a national workshop was held to...

A Simulation and Data Management Environment for Off-Line Testing of IVHS Technologies and Strategies
CA is engaged in a rapidly expanding statewide effort to test and deploy advanced traffic management and traveller information systems to mitigate congestion and increase mobility. To...

IVHS and the Law of Privacy
The development of Intelligent Vehicles Highway System (IVHS) technologies has expanded the opportunities for surveillance and instructions upon personal privacy. This paper briefly examines...

Genesis ? Information on the Move
The access to enhanced real-time travel information is widely accepted as one of the cornerstones of any intelligent highway system. In the majority if IVHS programs currently underway...

European Consensus Formation and Standardisation in the Area of Road Transport and Traffic Telematics
In Europe ATT-implementation projects are run both by PROMETHEUS (EUREKA) and DRIVE (Commission of the European Communities). Many of these projects are urban and inter-urban field trials...

IVHS: Applications in Freight and Trucking Operations
This paper discusses the application of IVHS technology to freight and trucking activities. It is argued that because commercial vehicle operators perceive real benefits from IVHS, they...

In-Vehicle Crash Avoidance Warning System Technologies and Human Factors Issues
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that in 1990, motor vehicle accidents cost the nation more that $135 billion in property damage, personal injury and...

Driver Response to Fog Conditions ? An Intelligent Approach
The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) on NSW is currently examining options for replacing its Driver Aid System on the F6 Tollway south of Sydney. On this road drivers are affected by...

Collision Avoidance ? State of the Art
Although crashes are rare events, nearly 40,000 individuals are killed in motor vehicle crashes annually in the US. Another 3 million are injured and the societal costs exceed $137 billion...

An Integrated Route Assignment and Traffic Simulation System with a Massively Parallel Computing Architecture
This research presents two critical issues in the development of an integrated route assignment and traffic simulation system of ATMS-ATIS applications. The first issue addresses the conceptual...

An Example of Quantitative Evaluation of AVCS Safety
A method has been devised for expressing in absolute terms the effect on safety of various features in the design of an AVCS system. It depends on gathering data from different sources...

A Framework for ATIS Safety
Advanced Traveler Information Systems utilize advance techniques to acquire, process, and disseminate information to motorists. The main purpose of ATIS is to provide motorists with information...





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