Managing a Water Control Database
The management of a Water Control Database is important to the usability of the database. Three areas of importance in the management of a database are: 1. good management practices, 2....

Hydrological Database Management
Development of hydrological database management is investigated in this study. Lotus 1-2-3, a commercially available database, which makes use of spreadsheet has been used to solve a broad...

Models for Lake and River Basin Analysis
This tutorial describes basic concepts, purposes and issues of mathematical models for lakes and river basins. Simulation and optimization models are discussed and their structure and...

Integrated Operation of the Ottawa River System
Several years ago, an integrated operating process was developed in response to specific problems on the Ottawa River. The operating process involves several public-sector organizations...

Savannah River Basin Flood Management Decision Support
The Savannah District Army Corps of Engineers has constructed and now operates three multipurpose reservoirs on the Savannah River. Hartwell, the most upstream of the three projects, is...

The ADP Problems of a River Basin Commission
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission is an independent governmental agency that recently acquired its first in-house minicomputer system. The staff usage of this system has created two...

Deterministic and Statistical Water Quality Modeling
An integrated methodology is presented, based on a hierarchical package of computer models ranging from simple micro-computer programs to more complex mainframe simulation, to address...

Micro-Computer Water Develoment Screening Models
A micro-computer screening model was developed to analyze the physical and economic efficiencies of a large number of alternative options associated with a given water development project....

Large Scale Water Resources Systems Planning-Approach and Case Study
Planning approach for large scale water resource systems planning backed by models has been developed. Four hierarchial stages are identified and mulitlevel multiobjective models have...

Basalt System Characterization: Inverse Technique
The Basalt Waste Isolation Project (BWIP) has been established to assess the feasibility of the Columbia River Basalt Group as a host medium for a high-level radioactive waste repository....

A Post-Audit of the Potomac Eutrophication Model
An unusual, unexpected, and unpredicted event - the Potomac Algae Bloom of 1983 - prompted a post-audit examination of the primary tool being used for guiding the continuing development...

A Riverine Toxic Spill Model
In the event of a spill of toxic material reaching the main stem of the Potomac River, predictive information regarding its location and concentration would aid in the minimization of...

Use of a Two-Dimensional Flow Model to Quantify Aquatic Habitat
This paper describes the use of a numerical two-dimensional flow model to evaluate the impacts of potential hydropower retrofits on downstream flow distributions at Lock and Dam No. 8...

Hydraulic Profile Computation Using CADD
The data preparation can also be performed by directly recording onto a computer tape the aerial survey cross section ground points and the field survey work. A computer program can then...

BAKWATR (3)--Computation of Gradually Varied Flow
The BAKWATR computer program computes profiles of gradually varied flow in open channels of irregular shape using a microcomputer. Channel cross sections are defined by a series of points...

Optimal Muskingum River Routing
The Muskingum method of river routing is well established and frequently used. An attempt is made to improve the method by optimal selection of the model parameters. The common linear...

Fate and Transport of Metals in a River System
A steady-state model was developed that describes the fate of metals in a shallow river system. Settling and resuspension of solids were defined through empirical equations relating a...

Simplified Methods to Predict the Fate of Metals in Rives
Heavy metal contamination of rivers is of increasing concern to society. To help predict the fate of metals in rivers, researchers have developed computer models to simulate speciation...

Impacts of Stormwater Runoff on Receiving Waters
A planning methodology to assess the impact of stormwater runoff on streams in Vermont is demonstrated. The methodology, which is based on a statistical representation of runoff and stream...

A Study of River Foaming and its Possible Causes
Foaming has been observed on uncontaminated upland streams draining watersheds having no human related development. Because water alone will not foam when agitated, the presence of these...





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