Dilatometer Tests in Sand
The paper presents two applications of the dilatometer test in sands: control of compaction and determination of constrained modulus. Twelve dilatometer tests were carried out before and...

Cone Penetrometer Use on Uranium Mill Tailings
Piezocone data were found to be very reliable in the identification of uranium tailings according to the traditional categories of sands, sand-slime mixtures, and slimes by the use of...

In Situ Tests with Ko Stepped Blade
The results of field tests conducted using the K//o Stepped Blade to determine lateral stresses and other geotechnical properties are presented. The sites tested represent a wide range...

Pore Pressure Effects in Borehole Shear Testing
The effects of excess pore pressures on shear strength results obtained using the Borehole Shear Test (BST) were investigated. Pore pressures were measured during the consolidation, shear,...

The DMT - ?hc Method for Piles Driven in Clay
This paper presents a tentative method for evaluating the limiting skin friction f//s for piles driven in clay based on sigma //h'c (horizontal effective stress at the interface...

Electrical Method of Predicting In Situ Stress State of Normally Consolidated Clays
The electrical method was used to characterize the electrical anisotropy, shape and cementation of fine grained soils. It was found that for normally consolidated soils there is a strong...

Dynamic Consolidation Test on Soft Coastal Sediments
This paper documents an investigation of foundation improvement by dynamic consolidation for a coastal power plant site in the southern Red Sea. The investigation comprised a field test,...

Determining Sand Strength by Cone Penetrometer
Evaluation has been made of several theories and methods for deducing sand strength from cone resistance. Bearing capacity theories, cavity expansion theory, and empirical methods have...

Measurement of Vertical Ground Vibrations
This paper examines the use of surface and embedded mountings, to which transducers are attached for the measurement of free field vertical ground vibrations. Upper limits to the frequency...

Site Characterization Using the Cone Penetrometer Test
The Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) when used in conjunction with a limited soil boring program can provide a more detailed and economical site characterization. This paper addresses how...

In Situ Testing of Calcareous Sand?Campos Basin
Sampling and in situ testing were used to investigate soil conditions for the installation of offshore platforms at the Campos Basin, Brazil. At these sites calcareous sand formations...

Soil Improvement Evaluation by CPT for Tanks
Trial soil improvement by gravel compaction piles and dynamic consolidation, and a subsequent full-scale loading test on loose volcanic ash soil were conducted prior to the design of large...

Effect of Cementation on the Cone Penetration Resistance of Sand
A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the effect of cementation on the cone penetration resistance of sand. A new apparatus to form homogeneous artificially cemented sand specimens...

Design Parameters for Grouted Piles in Rock From In-Situ Load Tests
A series of pile load tests were performed at an onshore site to develop final geotechnical parameters for the Gaviota platform foundation which consists of large diameter drilled and...

CPT/DMT QC of Ground Modification at a Power Plant
The use of 908 static cone penetration test (CPT) and 33 Marchetti dilatometer test (DMT) soundings provided the quality control (QC) needed to improve a power plant site by the use of...

Rehabilitation of Blackfoot Dam In-Situ Testing and Analysis
The dam was constructed in 1909 and was recently found to require rehabilitation to enlarge the spillway and improve embankment stability against the large earthquake potential in the...

Bearing Capacity of Footings on Clay CPT Method
A method is proposed to predict the ultimate bearing pressure for footings on clay using data from cone penetration tests. This method relates the ratio of ultimate soil bearing for a...

In Situ Measurement of Permeability in Soft Clays
As part of an extensive field programme, the magnitude of errors due to clay remoulding and filter clogging in tests performed in common piezometers is evidenced. Comparisons between variable...

Skin Friction Evaluated From Friction Meter Test
This paper first describes the features of a specially developed friction meter and its operation method, and then reports in-situ test results conducted on various types of soils at two...

The Mudslide Profile Method to Measure the Undrained Shear Strength of Muds
Mudslides have been reported to have a very distinctive profile. Using this distinctive profile, a method is presented to analyze the stability of the mudslide at limit equilibrium conditions....





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