Application of Lateral Spread Hazard Definition Using Liquefaction Susceptibility Index to the Design of Buried Pipelines
Recent liquefaction hazard studies have made use of relationships developed to provide direct estimates of liquefaction displacements interms of liquefaction susceptibility index (LSI)....

The Design and Construction Aspects of the Structure Research Tests at Cypress Viaduct
A research program is described whose task was to gather information about the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the existing Cypress bridge structure and to evaluate the effectiveness...

Collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct
This paper is being presented by the Division of Structures, Post EarthQuake Investigation Team (PEQIT) on the collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct in the City of Oakland, California,...

Earthquake Response of the San Francisco Freeway Structures During the October 17, 1989 Earthquake
In terms of strong motion shaking, San Francisco experienced a minor earth- quake on October 17, 1989. However, the San Francisco freeway structures (designed in the 1950s and 1960s) suffered...

Bridge Damage Review?Loma Prieta Earthquake
The Loma Prieta Earthquake that struck the San Francisco Bay Area on October 17, 1989 caused varying degrees of damage on highway bridges. Within a few hours of the event CALTRANS had...

Lateral Load Test on Driven Pile Footings
The October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake provided an ideal time and situation to perform for the first time, at no installation cost, a full scale lateral load test on a group of driven...

Perception and Control for Automated Pavement Crack Sealing
Pavement maintenance is a major transportation engineering activity that has seen only partial mechanization and virtually no automation. Crack sealing is a typical maintenance task in...

Highway Pavement Surfaces Reconstruction by Moire Interferometry
The necessary basis for any cost-effective highway and bridge deck pavement management program is reliable, complete and up-to-date information concerning the state of pavement surface....

Design Considerations for Automated Pavement Crack Sealing Machinery
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the numerous considerations for designing automated machinery for the sealing of cracks in pavement. Operational requirements are presented and...

CADD?Database Application for Facility Inspections
In 1989, the Sverdrup Corporation was hired to perform the Comprehensive Inspection of the Queens-Midtown and Brooklyn-Battery tunnels in New York City. From the onset of the project it...

Automated Analysis of Pavement Distress Data
A system model that can be used for the analysis of pavement distress data collected by various visual devices (e.g. photographic film) is presented. The models operate at two levels:...

Pavement Image Processing Using Neural Networks
This paper discusses the potential for employing neural network models in the pavement image interpretation and classification stage of an automated pavement condition evaluation system....

Design of HCM Signal Timings Using Signal Expert
While computer implementations of the procedures for evaluating the operation of traffic signalized intersections are receiving widespread use, these implementations are still primarily...

Design and Evaluation of Multi-Band Progression Schemes
Multiband is a new arterial progression scheme that has the capability to assign each directional road section with an individually volume-weighted band. The method offers to the traffic...

Computer Aided Engineering Analysis for Transportation Links ? Management Options
CAD applications on Engineering Analysis have proved very effective in view of its wide applicability & the conceptualization power of interactive computer graphics (ICG). Transportation...

Design for IVHS Safety: Technology Assessment
The development of an Intelligent Vehicle/Highway System (IVHS) will require methodologies for predicting and controlling system safety. In principle, these methodologies should include...

Taming the Silicon Steed?Perceptions of Risk
This paper draws from contemporary research in the psychological literature to argue that transportation engineers and decision makers should consider the issue of perceived risk when...

Exploring Headsup Displays for Driver Workload Management in Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems
New transportation system provide more information to drivers to improve their effectiveness in tasks like routing, avoiding congestion. We are examining the headsup displays as means...

Measuring Highway Inventory Features Using Stereoscopic Imaging System
The new stereoscopic measurement approach is discussed in this paper. The objective of this paper is not intended to present another new videologging system. Instead, this paper is to...

Subsurface Pavement Structure Inventory Using Ground Penetrating Radar and a Bore Hole Camera
The Pavement Management System (PMS) is now a necessary pavement evaluation tool. The PMS data base has been historically fed with surface inspection data, but increasing demands for accurate...





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