Earth Retention & Noise Absorption Using Evergreen Planted Walls
There is a new concept in wall design used for retaining walls, free standing noise absorbing walls and rock revetments. The Evergreen System is comprised of large prefabricated concrete...

Golden Gate Bridge: Deck Replacement
A major inspection of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1968-69 found the reinforced concrete roadway of the Bridge to have widespread defects and local failures. Further investigations found...

Trouble in Our Own Back Yard
One million tanks will leak toxic and hazardous substances into the U.S. soil within the next four years. Prevention begins with rapid discovery and probability analysis. Various cleanup...

NPDES Permits for Accelerated Oil & Gas Development
Section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for waste discharges...

Oilspill Response Technology for the Arctic
Alaska Clean Seas is a spill response organization whose area of interest includes all of the marine environment surrounding Alaska. It provides support to members in contingency planning,...

Arctic Oil Spills in Relationship to Sea Ice Motion
Sea ice on a scale of a few kilometers must be treated as a granular material rather than a continuum. The floes are in nearly constant motion relative to a fixed frame and each other....

Making Treatment Plants Work
For the most part, past design criteria that have been used were based primarily on historical information from plants that worked or general rule of thumb criteria. With the increasing...

An Ecosystem Approach to Watershed Management
An example is drawn from the Little River Research Watersheds near Tifton, Georgia. Riparian hardwood forests (low management) and upland agricultural fields (high management) are the...

A Methodology of Assessing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Agricultural Watersheds
Appraisals of water quality impacts induced by applying watershed management practices are difficult due to many factors. Lack of existing research data base, the diffusive characteristics...

Acid Deposition in the Wind River Mountains
National attention has been focused on the discovery of acidified lakes in the Adirondack Mountains of New York and elsewhere in New England. It is commonly believed that the West, in...

Seepage in the Unsaturated Zone: A Review
This paper briefly reviews the procedures whereby the seepage rate, depth of penetration of nonreactive pollutants, and the depth of the wetting front can be calculated when the assumption...

A Case History of Leakage from a Surface Impoundment
A manufacturing company constructed a 48-acre (19 hectare), unlined surface impoundment at a site in northern Texas to store wastewater. The site is underlain by unsaturated, alluvial...

Assessing Seepage at Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper presents a conceptual framework for estimating the concentration of organic contaminants in a groundwater plume over time. The basis of this framework is the application of...

Prediction of Highway Construction Noise Levels
A model for the prediction of noise levels from highway construction operations has been developed under sponsorship of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Noise sources are geometrically...

Noise and Air Blast from Construction Blasting
Noise generated by construction blasting differs from other construction noise because of its frequency content. The audible high frequency portion is accompanied by a non audible, lower...

Vehicle Sound Power measurement Using the Acoustic Intensity Method
The use of the two microphone Acoustic Intensity Method of obtaining accurate measurement of over-all sound power of large wheel loaders is described. This system is in operation, within...

Cost Assessment of Construction Noise Control
The results of a series of studies have provided noise control engineers with a method to estimate off-site construction noise levels and the cost of reducing these to acceptable levels....

Highway Noise: FHWA Requirements and Barrier Design
Since 1973, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has required noise studies for nearly all proposed roadways and roadway improvements that receive federal aid. An overview of these...

Standardizing Noise Barrier Field Measurements
American National Standards Working Group S12-6 was organized in 1979 to draft a standard for the acoustical measurement of outdoor noise barriers. The current version of the draft standard...

The Noise Mitigation Plan for Stapleton Airport
In March 1984, seven communities in the vicinity of Denver's Stapleton International Airport completed a year-long study of methods to reduce the adverse noise effects from...





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