Small Utility GIS
Geographic information systems are revolutionizing much of the civil engineering field, providing engineers and managers with a new tool to relate databases and maps. But despite the benefits...

Managing for Profit
Clients hire firms today for their ability to manage, not just design and draw. Project managers must address owner requirements for cost, quality and schedule. The three are inseparable....

A Wetlands Sewage Treatment System for the Community of Teslin
The Village of Teslin, with a population of 450, is located in south-central Yukon, approximately 180 km southeast of Whitehorse. Since 1977, the community has been trucking its sewage...

The Thermal Regime Surrounding a Longitudinal Edge Drain
Newton Airfield in Jackman, Maine, was constructed in 1986 to perform as a drained pavement system. The drainage design consisted of a permeable base course with a longitudinal edge drain...

Treatment of Unstable Foundation Areas in Alaska's Pavement Management System
In the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Pavement Management System (PMS) unstable foundation areas are defined as sections of roadway that experience...

Optimization Models for Acid Rain Control
A series of related optimization formulations are presented for developing and analyzing acid rain control strategies. These models span a wide array of approaches and reflect a similarly...

Screening Emissions Control Measures
Under the new Clean Air Act, electric utilities will be able to choose from a wider range of sulfur dioxide emissions control options than in the past. Among the newly available measures...

Automation of Union Electric's Hydro-Power Plants
Union Electric Company is spending twelve million dollars on Electronic Control and Monitoring equipment at two of their hydro-electric plants (a total of twenty-seven generating units)...

Overview of Acid Mine Drainage Control Strategies
Since 1970, regulations requiring proper overburden sampling techniques to obtain representative geologic profiles and outline specific overburden analysis to determine acid-producing,...

The Pittsburgh MAGLEV Project
A passenger transportation crisis exists in the United States which experts predict will only worsen, wasting billions of U.S. dollars. Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) is a promising new...

The Growing Meet Market
The Delaware cities of Dover and Wilmington are only 5 mi apart. Their combined populations barely exceed 100,000. Yet each city is planning to build a new convention center to corner...

The Boundary Element Method in Engineering Practice
The boundary element method (BEM) provides an excellent basis for the development of integrated design and analysis systems. The technique possesses the advantages of simple model generation,...

Development of the GA-4 and GA-9 Legal Weight Truck Spent Fuel Shipping Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing two legal-weight-truck spent-fuel shipping casks for transporting commercial reactor spent fuel. The GA-4 pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) and the GA-9...

Multiple Event Considerations for Postclosure Seismic Hazard Evaluations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Postclosure waste canister design requirements suggest the values used for seismic design have less than a 10% chance of being exceeded in a 1,000 year postclosure period. Considerably...

Design Reviews From a Regulatory Perspective
This paper presents views on the role of the licensing engineer in the design process with specific emphasis on design reviews and the automated information management tools that support...

Controlling the Description of a High-Level Radioactive Waste Isolation System
Control of large, complex, regulation-driven programs using traditional management methods has not been wholly effective. What is needed is a rigorous yet flexible method that is amenable...

Evaluation of Geoscientific Information Systems for Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Modeling, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Fully three-dimensional representations of the geologic system at Yucca Mountain have been developed using a Geoscientific Information System, which is an expansion of a traditional Geographic...

Perspectives on Integrating the U.S. Radioactive Waste Disposal System
The waste management systems being developed and deployed by the DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) is large, complex, decentralized, and long term. As a result,...

Management Systems Improvement Strategy for the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
To achieve the goal of permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste, the U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste...

Building Consensus in Developing Radioactive Waste Management Systems
To successfully develop radioactive waste management systems, national authorities must work to establish consensus on numerous complex issues among many affected and interested parties....





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