Westway - The Little Word that Killed the Big Highway
The Westside Highway Project, better known as Westway, received a construction permit on February 25, 1985 from the Army Corps of Engineers. Signed by the author, the permit was invalidated...

The Middletown (CT) Riverfront Development Plan
Middletown is strategically located on the banks of the Connecticut River in the central part of Connecticut. Middletown has a tradition as a maritime center. During the seventeenth and...

Estimation of Pollution from Highway Runoff?Initial Results
One of the first tasks in the present effort was to assemble a data base of highway runoff characteristics. In the paper that data base is described, the data are summarized, and best...

Sunshine Skyway Nears Completion
The new Sunshine Skyway Bridge over Tampa Bay in Florida replaces an older structure that had been severely damaged when a ship rammed it during a 1980 storm, taking 35 lives. Its central...

Bridging the Joints in Bridges
Most bridges are designed with gaps in them. The cracks allow bridges to expand and contract as the temperature changes. But water can enter these gaps and foul bearings and structural...

Truck Weight Enforcement on a WIM
Pavements on interstate highways and other major truck routes are deteriorating faster than predicted. The cause is largely the larger-than-predicted number of the heaviest, 5-axle trucks....

Street Fares
An argument is made for imposing user fees to amass funds for repair and maintenance of local roads and streets. These infrastructure services have to compete for local general property...

Steel Bridge Counterattack
In bridges, for years steel has been losing market share to concrete, but now the steel industry is making an impressive comeback. One reason is use of load-factor design, which has cut...

Filling the Cracks
Engineers, highway officials, and manufacturers are working together to develop new products to rehabilitate cracked bridge decks. Polymer concrete overlays are among the many remedies...

Shopping for a New Bridge Coat
Total shop coating of new steel bridges appears to be the best armor against corrosion. This alternative is one of three techniques for diminishing the difficulty and expense of painting...

Celebrating a Conquest
During construction of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, which marked its 50th anniversary on Nov. 11, 1986, great public attention was paid to the high-climbing steelworkers, but...

Jet Grouting: Snail's Pace of Adoption
Jet grouting is grouting of soil, but the process, the equipment and the subsurface product are different from the familiar ones. Here the cement grouting is mixed in situ with the surrounding...

Application and Performance of Structural Materials and Exterior Facades
The papers in this book present some of the current thinking associated with today's construction materials as well as the results of research which is directed toward the...

Solutions for Pavement Rehabilitation Problems
Preservation of our nation's highways is the goal of highway civil engineers in the decades to come. The public travels on pavements and this important part of the system...

Experimental Assessment of Performance of Bridges
Among the papers in this book, five assessed the global bridge behavior and the three concentrated on bridge decks. The bridges assessed include prestressed steel plate girder and truss...

National Urban Transportation Planning Trends and Implications
This paper explores urban transportation planning, program, and policy trends of the 1980s. Legislative and regulatory changes are also addressed. Among the planning trends discussed are...

Managing the Highway System
There is a general feeling that increased emphasis on highway management is a promising approach to dealing with a series of apparent issues and trends: The inflating costs of substantial...

Development of the Houston Transitway System
The degradation of mobility in Houston, Texas has progressed to the critical stage. Future growth and the economic viability of the metropolitan region is in serious jeopardy unless major...

Pavement Management Systems for Urban Areas
Pavements represent the largest public investment for most urban-area governmental jurisdictions. The magnitude of this investment requires that the expenditure of funds to maintain pavements...

Use of Private Contracting in Highway Maintenance
Managing the business of highway and bridge maintenance in this country is largely a function of the public sector. As in the private sector, economic realities during the past decade...





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