Effectiveness of Spur Dike Notching
The most widely used technique of ameliorating the environmental effects of river-training works has been to construct notches in spur dikes (or to allow notches to remain in damaged dikes)...

Kinematics and Dynamics of Overland Flow
C. Y. Guo combined the kinematic wave approximation with Horton's infiltration formula to analytically solve the propagation of a two-dimensional overland flow on a previous...

Model-Prototype Study of Overland Flow
Similarity of overland flow hydrographs was investigated. Similarity ratios based on Froude number modeling were tested by using: 1) computed hydrographs by kinematic wave equations, 2)...

Snow-Melt Triggered Debris Flows Affecting Utah's Megalopolis
During the abnormally wet years of 1983 and 1984, debris flows were triggered late in spring on the west flank of the Wasatch Mountains and elsewhere in Central Utah. These debris flows...

Emergency Response to the 1983 Debris Flows Along Utah's Wasatch Front
The wet cycle experienced in Utah culminated in approximately one thousand landslide triggered debris flows caused by rapid melt of unprecedented snow accumulation in the Wasatch Mountains,...

Water Quality Modeling Using a Small Watershed Model (SWAM)
The Small Watershed Model (SWAM) is a state-of-the-art model that simulates the movement of water, sediment, and chemicals through a small, mixed-land-use watershed. It was developed to...

Channel Morphology and Habitat
Stream channels provide habitat for aquatic animals, such as fish and aquatic benthic invertebrates. Associated with the channel are near water habitats important to amphibians, reptiles,...

Evaluation and Testing of Storm-Event Hydrologic Models
Hydrologic models considered for this evaluation include: Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environmental Response Simulation (ANSWERS); a kinematic erosion model (KINEROS); Watershed and...

The TENN-V Storm Hydrograph Simulation Model
TENN-V is a computerized, lumped, non-linear stormwater hydrograph simulation model for small unregulated watersheds. The applicability of TENN-V is best established in watersheds of less...

Runoff Simulation, Homestake II Project
Wetlands issues raised in connection with the proposed Homestake II Project required an extremely detailed evaluation of basin hydrology. The Subalpine Water Balance Model (WATBAL) was...

Mathematical Modeling of Delta Deposits and Retrogressive Erosion in Reservoirs
A hybrid computer model which simulates mainly delta deposition and retrogressive erosion in reservoirs is described. Basic equations that govern the flow and bed changes used in the model...

Scour Downstream of the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests made to determine the effect of high tailwater and long duration flows on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin are presented in this paper. Results are presented...

Local Scour Downstream of a Tunnel Outlet Structure
The local scour downstream of two different types of outlet structures is studied in laboratory experiments with an alluvial sediment. The outlet structure terminates a hydraulic model...

The Life and Science of R. A. Bagnold
The purpose of this paper is to highlight and honor the exciting life and many significant contributions made by Brigadier Ralph A. Bagnold to our understanding of hydraulics and sediment...

Parameter Estimation for Multiphase Porous Media Systems
Parameter estimation for multiphase flow in porous media involves estimation of nonlinear functional relationships. These include the capillary pressure - saturation relation and the relative...

Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation in Groundwater
Model parameters have to be estimated from historical input-output observations using inverse procedures of parameter identification. Unfortunately, because of the limitation of the quantity...

One-Dimensional Modeling of Dam-Break Flow
R.W. MacCormack method is used for the numerical integration of Saint Venant equations to simulate the propagation of one-dimensional dam-break wave. The computed water levels are compared...

Finite Element Modeling in Free-Surface Hydromechanics
A finite element semi-discrete approximation is applied to the conservation law form of the two-dimensional, depth-averaged free-surface Navier-Stokes equations governing incompressible...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Flow and Quality Simulation of a Proposed Marina Development
A proposed off-channel marina development on the Sacramento River in California requires landfill in an area that is currently within the flood plain. Two dimensional computer models for...





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