Random Characteristics of Sediment-Laden Flows and the Techniques of Effective Sediment Exclusion on Dujiangyan Irrigation Project in China
The irrigation system is over 2,200 years old and discharges water at a rate of 340-740 m3/s from the Minjiang River. The average slope of the river...

Bulk Stomatal Resistance in Operational Estimates of Evapotranspiration
General relationships for estimating canopy or bulk stomatal resistance and aerodynamic resistances of grass and alfalfa reference crops for use in the Penman-J.L. Monteith equation are...

Power Formula for Open-Channel Flow Resistance
This paper evaluates various power formulas for flow resistance in open channels. Unlike the logarithmic resistance equation that can be theoretically derived either from Prandtl's...

A Lawyer's View of Engineers' Responsibility
When presented with a case involving damaged property, a lawyer typically will seek to determine the point of the failure and then work backwards in an effort to analyze each of the factors...

Riverbank Instability Due to Bed Degradation
Degradation lowers the bed of an alluvial channel over a long reach. This has the effect of increasing the bank heights and angles, which decreases the stability of the banks with respect...

Toe Scour Protection in Open Channels
Scour at the toe of bank protection works is one of the major causes of failure of these structures. Weighted riprap toes are frequently used to prevent bank protection failure due to...

Near-Bed Sediment Concentration in Non-Uniform Flows Over Gravel Beds
The calculation of near-bed sediment concentration is formulated in terms of equations governing the dispersion of heavy particles in non-uniform turbulent shear flows over stable gravel...

Analytical and Numerical Modeling at High Sediment Concentrations
Methods for classifying sediment-water mixtures according to material concentration and rheologic properties are discussed. Results from laboratory and field measurements show that bed...

Stochastic Characteristics of Cobble-Gravel Bed Load Transport
Prototype tests of stochastic characteristic of cobble-gravel bed load transport have been done in Dujiangyan reach of Minjiang River in China in 1977-1985. All of 718 sample data from...

Snow-Melt Triggered Debris Flows Affecting Utah's Megalopolis
During the abnormally wet years of 1983 and 1984, debris flows were triggered late in spring on the west flank of the Wasatch Mountains and elsewhere in Central Utah. These debris flows...

Mathematical Modeling of Delta Deposits and Retrogressive Erosion in Reservoirs
A hybrid computer model which simulates mainly delta deposition and retrogressive erosion in reservoirs is described. Basic equations that govern the flow and bed changes used in the model...

Analytical Studies of the Schoharie Bridge Failure
Analytical studies consisted of geomorphic, hydrologic, hydraulic, and erosion analyses including mathematical modeling with HEC-1 and WSPRO, the new FHWA water-surface profile model....

Schoharie Creek Bridge Model Study
On April 5, 1987, a major storm occurred in the Schoharie Creek watershed and the resulting flood caused the bridge to fail. The hydraulic model of the bridge was performed to simulate...

One-Dimensional Modeling of Dam-Break Flow
R.W. MacCormack method is used for the numerical integration of Saint Venant equations to simulate the propagation of one-dimensional dam-break wave. The computed water levels are compared...

Predicting Channel Recovery from Sand and Gravel Extraction in the Naugatuck River and Adjacent Floodplain
Gravel extraction at five sites along the Naugatuck River in Connecticut is of sufficient magnitude that channel recovery to pre-mining morphology is expected to require up to several...

Channel Response to SCS Type-C Grade-Control Structures on Burney Branch, Mississippi
Five SCS Type-C grade-control structures were installed in Burney Branch in 1980 to remove 59.4 feet (18.1 m) of grade. The performance of the structures was evaluated in 1984 after they...

The Effects of Sediment Transportation Changes on Aquatic Habitat
Sediments are a natural part of the riverine and estuarine environment. However, if the sediment load changes or bed sediment type occur, direct and sometimes detrimental and sometimes...

Analysis of Spillway Failures by Uplift Pressure
Results of a model study to evaluate the development of uplift pressures beneath concrete chutes are presented. Two spillway failures are described to support the study results. Common...

Development and Application of the Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication Model
The paper discusses the formulation of a steady-state coupled hydrodynamic/water quality model of Chesapeake Bay. The intent of this model was to provide insight into the processes and...

Sediment Variability Mark Twain Lake, Missouri
This paper looks at the historical variability in suspended sediment loads in the Upper Salt River Basin above Mark Twain Lake, Missouri in an attempt to assess the magnitude of suspended...





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