An Intelligent Design Support System for Computer-Aided Site Development
This research proposes an intelligent design support system (DSS) integrated with a CAD environment for building site planning and development. The DSS is used for providing a good initial...

A Rule Based Expert System for Reservoir Operation
Recent advances in artificial intelligence and expert systems development have attracted many scientists and researchers. Reservoir operation is an ideal field for such research due to...

Water Quality Assessment and Management System in Regulatory Environments
State water quality regulatory agencies need to prioritize water bodies for program actions so that agency workload can be determined and resources allocated in order to achieve positive...

Mass Transport Modeling of Pearl Harbor
The U.S. Navy is planning to implement the use of organotin antifouling paints into the fleet. Such paints are already in use by commercial vessels and private pleasure crafts. As part...

Spreadsheet Applications in Water Quality Management
The state regulatory environment requires simple, quick, easy to use and maintain water quality analysis tools. Therefore, for the evaluation of toxic substances, a new approach towards...

Revising a Reservoir Rule Curve for Multiple Uses
The Jackson Hydroelectric Project generates power, supplies municipal water, provides flood control, maintains anadromous fishery minimum instream flows and studies various reservoir rule...

Reservoir Safe Yield Evaluation Using Simulation
The safe yield available from surface water impoundments serving the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, was evaluated, and the sensitivity of the reservoir system to several factors was investigated....

Risk Consideration in Water Supply Reservoir Capacity Design
This study develops a method for estimating the risk in reservoir capacity design by applying frequency analysis to the mass curve method. It provides a means for the engineer to use familiar...

Risk Management for Water Supplies During Droughts
This paper describes a method for deriving policies for the operation of public water supplies under impending and actual drought conditions. Unlike previous models based on optimization...

Determining Impacts of Sediment Using Cesium-137
Tecumseh Lake, in east-central Oklahoma, completed about 1934, has been identified by the Oklahoma Water Resource Board as a water supply critical to future development of the state. Aerial...

Stochastic Model for the Management of a Stream-Aquifer System
The management of a system of groundwater and surface water requires that the hydraulic connection of the two sources be investigated. The inherent uncertainties that exist in the data,...

Conjunctive Use Study of Groundwater and Surface Water in Chino Basin, California
The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of artificial recharge on an already contaminated unconfined aquifer and propose optimal recharging and pumping schemes to prevent the...

Managing Microcomputer Applications
The authors have recently completed a study of microcomputer usage in Corps of Engineers planning activities. The study developed a training document for Corps managers, entitled 'Managing...

Living with a Macintosh in an IBM World
The Macintosh computer is widely praised for several characteristics: high resolution graphics, common program user interface, user friendliness including extensive use of a mouse, and...

Making Microcomputer Based CADD Systems Productive
The introduction of microcomputer based CADD systems has made CADD affordable to small engineering firms. Many have not been able to make their CADD system productive. The sources of poor...

Using the Microcomputer in the Software Development Process
The migration of the computer from the controlled environment of a computer room to the office desk-top provides the software engineer with a convenient and effective tool for enhancing...

Review of the Nation's Water Resources Infrastructure Needs
Also published in Infrastructure and Marketing in Water Resources...

Sewer Rehabilitation?Metro Chicago
After a number of public hearings in the late 1960's and early 1970's which focused on sewer backup problems in the Sanitary District's separate...

Rehabilitation Strategies for Urban Drainage Systems?A European Perspective
Rehabilitation of urban drainage system is needed in many old European cities. This is in part due to the required structural upgrading of the existing sewerage system. But rehabilitation...

Water Distribution Systems Analysis Package
A computer software package for water distribution systems analysis has been developed for the city of Fort Worth, Texas, to overcome the problems of time consumption and human error,...





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