Processes Affecting Coastal Wetland Loss in the Louisiana Deltaic Plain
Nowhere are the problems of coastal wetland loss more serious and dramatic than in the Mississippi River deltaic plain region of south-central Louisiana. In that area, rates of shoreline...

Short-Term Water and Suspended-Sediment Fluctuations in a Louisiana Marsh
To determine the timing of and driving forces for sediment suspension and deposition and the effect of impoundment, three self-recording instrument packages were deployed in a section...

Meteorological Forcing on Louisiana Wetlands
The open wetland areas of southern Louisiana are vulnerable to meteorological forcing. On the basis of over one year U.S.G.S. funded measurements of atmospheric pressure, air-sea temperature...

Marsh Submergence vs. Marsh Accretion: Interpreting Accretion Deficit Data in Coastal Louisiana
The apparent imbalance between relative sea-level rise and vertical marsh accretion is frequently cited as a major factor in the problem of wetland loss in Louisiana. Rates of relative...

Natural Resource Problem Solving: an Interdisciplinary Approach in Coastal Louisiana
Ecological issues such as coastal wetland loss cannot be adequately addressed by experts in any one particular discipline. After extensive consultation with wetland users and regulators,...

The National Status and Trends Program: Development and Future Directions
NOAA's National Status and Trends Program was initiated in 1983 to provide information on environmental quality related to levels and effects of toxic contaminants in U.S. coastal and...

Coastal Wetlands of Ghana
The Ghanaian coast is overlain with over 50 lagoons and wetlands, which among others, are important wintering sites for European birds. Types, location and size of the wetlands are inventorised....

Production and Decomposition of Spartina patens in a Degrading Coastal Marsh
Production and decomposition rates were calculated for Spartina patens in a mesohaline coastal marsh in Louisiana. Production was estimated to be 800 g m-2 ur-1 during 1991 and 1,696 g...

Crevasses on the Lower Course of the Mississippi River
Before construction of artificial levees, crevasses were a common event along the Mississippi River. They directed sediment out of the main channel and reduced flood stage down river....

A Global Vulnerability Assessment: Vulnerability of Coastal Areas to Sea-Level Rise
Assessment of the global vulnerability (GVA) of the various resources of the world's coastal zone to an acceleration of sea-level rise (ASLR) and related climate change effects requires...

Holocene Sedimentation and Coastal Wetlands Response to Rising Sea Level at the Aucilla River Mouth, a Low Energy Coast in the Big Bend Area of Florida
The shallow dip of the Florida carbonate platform results in low wave energy on Florida Big Bend coasts. Therefore sedimentation is dominated by river-and tidal-hydrodynamics near the...

GIS and Laboratory Study Contaminants in Wetlands
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide excellent visualization and analyses of where pollution sources are located relative to existing wetland resources and areas of significant...

The Sea Sentinels Project: Watching Waves in Brazil
This paper presents the first results of the Sea Sentinels-a project for monitoring nearshore wave conditions in Brazil by means of visual observations. The observation techniques used...

Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient Trends in the Houston Ship Channel from Historical Statewide Monitoring Data
Dissolved oxygen and selected nutrient trends in the Houston Ship Channels (Texas Water Commission (TWC) segments 1007, 1006 and 1005) during the period of 1969 through 1990 were evaluated...

Nekton Use of Salt Marshes of the Southeast Region of the United States
Published studies of nekton in salt marshes of the Southeast Region of the U.S. were reviewed to identify fish and decapod crustaceans associated with marsh-surface habitats, to describe...

Watershed Effects on the Value of Marshes to Fisheries
Watershed size and rainfall patterns are among the factors that influence the extent to which fishery species use estuarine marshes as nurseries. We examined three Texas bays with different...

Effects of Estuarine Habitat Quality on Juvenile Salmon: I. Chemical Contaminant Exposure and II. Altered Growth and Immune Function
Some urban estuaries on the west coast of the US are important habitats for several species of juvenile salmon and receive multiple stresses from human activities. Because these estuaries...

Industry and Agencies Join Forces to Improve Water Quality
Southeastern Egg and Poultry Association (SOUTHEASTERN), Soil Conservation Service (SCS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Tennessee Valley AUthority (TVA), Extension Service...

Proposed Storm Water Management Programs: An Opportunity for Coastal Municipalities to Improve Water Quality
On November 16,1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated a final regulation establishing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application requirements...

The Permitting Process for Oil Exploration and Development Projects on the North Slope of Alaska?An Oil Company Perspective
The five oil fields of Alaska's North Slope, including the giant Prudhoe Bay field the largest oil field in North America, contribute approximately 25% of United State domestic oil production...





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