Open Water Disposal for Marsh Creation James River, VA
There is a need for close cooperation between design and construction of levees on soft foundation for containing dredge material. The scope of this study included marine exploration,...

Turbidity Generated by a Model Cutterhead Dredge
The study of turbidity generation indicates that, in general, turbidity increases with an increase in the cutter speed and an increase in the cutter swing velocity. A silt curtain deployed...

Dredge Automation: The State-of-the-Art
Automated control systems are being developed and applied to enhance the productivity and cost-effectiveness of dredges. Referring particularly to hydraulic type dredging plants, the functions...

Development of the Dredging Wheel
The 'bucket line' dredge and 'cutter suction' dredge are two distinct types of equipment. The cutter suction system has developed more...

Selecting a Dredge Pump
While it is not necessary for the dredge operator to know how to design a dredge pump, the ability to select one that meets his project requirements is essential to insure the success...

Dredge Cutterhead Flow Processes
Feasibility studies of new dredge intake and cutterhead shielding techniques were conducted to improve hydraulic cutterhead dredge performance. Simple modification of the suction mouth...

Dredging-Related Considerations in Navigation Channel Design
In the design of a navigation project, the channel depth, width, and alignment for a given set of navigation requirements are dependent on physical, hydrodynamic, and sedimentological...

Influence of Roughness on Velocity and Dispersion at Low Flow
Dependence of the hydraulic and transport characteristics of low flow on channel roughness is investigated. Empirical expressions are used to estimate roughness coefficient as a function...

Effects of Fines in Gravel Bed Streams Behavior
A model-gravel bed stream is studied in the laboratory. Flow visualization of bedload motion correlates with bursting phenomena near the bed. The bedload variation as a result of the addition...

Numerical Model of Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 26
Replacement work was initiated in November 1979. The first stage cofferdam constricted about half of the river channel. As a result, the flow velocity at the constriction increased causing...

Hydraulic Uncertainty in Risk Analysis
Considerable effort has been expended in defining and evaluating hydrologic uncertainties; however, the analysis and evaluation of hydraulic uncertainties has received little attention....

Dynamic Reliability Models for Hydraulic Structures
In addition to the determination of capacity and layout of hydraulic structures under normal design, one other important but related task that faces engineers is the evaluation of reliability....

Reliability Analysis as Reflected from the Fourth International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics
Reliability analysis is perhaps one of the most practically important branches of the general field of stochastic hydraulics. Its potential applications include quantitative evaluation...

RCC Dam Incorporates Innovative Hydraulic Features
An overview of the features of Monksville Dam is presented, with emphasis on the hydraulic components of the project. This 150-foot (45-meter) high roller compacted concrete structure...

Upper Hudson River Valley Dam Break Model
In order to determine areas of inundation due to the failure of Conklingville Dam, a dam break analysis was performed, and the resulting outflow hydrograph was routed through the downstream...

Mechanics of Mudflows
A Bingham model is adopted to study the fluid mechanics of mudflows. Equations for predicting the transition from laminar to turbulent flow in an open channel are formulated and verified...

Accurate Computation of Nonlinear Advection
Advection, the transport of a quantity by the mean velocity, is a process which appears in virtually all equations of free-surface hydraulics. The demonstrated accuracy and efficiency...

Hydraulic Testing of a Large Make-Up Pipeline
A 37 mile pipeline which consists of sections of 114 inch, 96 inch and 66 inch pipes was constructed for delivering secondary sewage effluents for power plant makeup. During initial operations,...

Coping with High and Low Pressures of Transient Flow
Conditions exist in most long distance water pipelines, such that abnormal but inevitable occurrences will cause transient flow. Often the most crucial conditions for consideration by...

Hydraulic Analysis of Water Transmission Flowing Party Full
The hydraulic behavior of a transmission line that flows full along only part of its length is more difficult to analyze than a completely full line. Unsteady open-channel and closed-conduit...





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