Discharge Zone Classification System for Southern Puget Sound
This paper identifies marine areas where new or expanded discharges are unacceptable based on existing knowledge; e. g. , water quality standards are currently not met, and impairment...

Beneficial Use of Municipal Sewage in the Ocean
When sewage sludges and effluents are introduced in a properly controlled manner, they can be of benefit to large areas of the ocean. For example, benthic biomass and growth rates of commercially-valuable...

Monitoring Environmental Impacts from Waste Disposal in the Deep Ocean
Deep ocean sites are presently being considered for the permanent disposal of wastes. Their environmental acceptability can only be assessed by an efficient and effective monitoring plan....

Transition in the Nuclear Industry
Significant changes have occurred within the utility industry within the past 10 years. Projected growth in electric power demand has not materialized. Nuclear power plants, with long...

Waste Cleanup: Lessons Learned
Since hazardous waste mitigation is a new science, engineers need to pass on their experiences. The U. S. Army Waterways Experiment Station, seeking to expand the hazardous waste knowledge...

Turbidity Control Measures Associated with Reclamation of an Abandoned Phosphatic Waste Clay Pond
Area 3A in the Tenoroc State Reserve near Lakeland, Florida is an inactive and abandoned phosphatic waste clay area. The disposal area has been inactive for several years and the clays...

Overview of EPRI'S Solid Waste Environmental Studies
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated a comprehensive research project in 1983 with the long-term goal of improving and validating methods for predicting the fate of chemicals...

Lessons Learned from First Impulse Turbine Installation in the U.S. Mining Industry
The paper discusses a research study to recover energy from service or cooling water brought into deep mines. The test site was the Luck Friday Mine, owned and operated by the Hecla Mining...

Sedimentation of Waste Particles in Coastal Waters
Environmental effects associated with various ocean disposal practices are determined to a large extent by the fate of waste particles. The importance of coagulation on particle deposition...

Simulation of Evaporation Ponds for Liquid Waste Disposal
A computer model for designing and simulation of evaporation ponds is developed. It is based on the principle of mass conservation for water, for the total dissolved solids (TDS), and...

Hazardous Waste Cleanup: The Preliminaries
Court-ordered negotiations rather than a trial took five years but led to a flexible plan for cleaning up an inactive hazardous waste disposal site in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Contamination...

Danger: Natural System Modeled by Computer
Computer (mathematical) models are written to simulate such natural systems as those leading to acid rain, flooding, or toxic waste migration from disposal sites into groundwater. In some...

Environmental Engineering
The purpose of the annual Conference on environmental engineering is to pursue scientific knowledge and promote sound engineering judgement and practice in the solution of environmental...

Distillery Wastes Treated and Recovered Energy Saves $1 Million/Yr
The waste treatment and energy recovery for the world's largest rum distillery (Bacardi Corp., San Juan, Puerto Rico) uses an aerobic digestion to treat distillery wastes...

Civil Engineering: At the Center of Technology for Tomorrow
Between now and the year 2000 civil engineers have the opportunity, perhaps more than any other profession, to help create the monuments of our civilization. This will involve projects...

How Should We Dispose Hazardous Wastes?
Our inability to successfully dispose hazardous wastes has led to extensive land, groundwater and surface water pollution. The question is not whether we have the technology to do the...

Superfund Cleanup Sites
Cleanups of four Superfund hazardous waste sites are described, two in Pennsylvania, one in Tacoma, Wash., and one in Globe, Arizona. The key chemical wastes were polychlorinated bipheynls,...

Fast Tracking Milwaukee's Stormwater Cleanup
In building a massive sewer and treatment plant, Milwaukee solved legal and management problems. At the same time, the city speeded design and construction for the project. Triggered by...

Refuse Recycling
The refuse recycling plant at Columbus, Ohio, is a pioneer in burning as fuel a combination of refuse and coal. This hybrid fuel has advantages over burning either alone. One winter in...

A Case Study in Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage
Capital funds have been appropriated for the design, engineering, and construction of an interim low-level radioactive waste storage facility. This project is currently in the preliminary...





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