Effect of Irrigated Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality in the Appalachian and Northeastern States
Irrigation acreage has more than doubled in Virginia, North Carolina, Delaware and Maryland in the last 10 years. Ground-water studies have been conducted in Delaware, Maryland and New...

Ground Water Pollution Potential from Irrigation?Eastern United States
The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation method for determining the influence irrigation of agricultural land has on regional ground water quality. It integrates data on irrigation...

Impact of Irrigation on Groundwater Quality in Humid Areas
The GLEAMS Model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was applied to estimate the effects of soil, planting date, irrigation level, and pesticide characteristics...

Mangement Studies of Farmington Bay, Great Salt Lake
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate management options for the Farmington Bay area of the Great Salt Lake in terms of water quantity and quality. For the study, it was assumed...

Water Quality and Hydrodynamics in a Shallow Lake
Hydrodynamics and water quality are closely coupled in a shallow lake via horizontal transport and sediment resuspension. The latter process is examined thru modeling and in situ field...

Computer Aided River Basin Management in the Alps
The present paper outlines progress in developing river basin management potential through joint research on several Alpine River Systems including the Avisio, Brenta, and Cordevole. Applications...

Effects of Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality in Dade County, Florida
Multidepth wells at five test fields and a monitoring network of water-table wells in Dade County, Florida, were sampled twice during 1985 to determine concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus,...

Ground Water Strategy in California
There is great debate over when and how much new water California needs. Yet of the backbone supply, wells that could serve over 1 million people have been either removed from use or blended...

The Role of Local Government in Water Quality Management
To meet the challenge of providing safe drinking water at a reasonable cost, local governments, together with water utilities, must do more than merely fund the implementation of state...

What About the Point-of-Use?
Point-of-use (POU) granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment devices are being installed more frequently on community water sytems and on private wells. This article describes carbon filter...

In-Situ Microocosms for Calibrating Dynamic Models
The calibration of dynamic water quality models for lakes and reservoirs requires significant quantities of data, experience, and judgement. In particular, the identification of an appropriate...

Conjunctive Water Use Planning
The phase 'conjunctive use' refers to the integrated management of various water resources within a river basin or other geographic region. The objectives of...

Water Resources Strategy - Chicago
Starting in the 1960's, a series of water quality and water resources studies focused on the problems of the Chicago metropolitan area. Some of these studies were among the...

Policy Issues in Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution
Attention is first given to the extent of the right of the landowner to generate contaminated runoff. The previously recognized privilege of landowners to make point source waste discharges...

Automated Control for Central Arizona Project Distribution Systems
Computer based automatic control for three extensive open channel water distribution systems is described. Radio telemetry allows a central computer to execute control logic at individual...

Algorithms for Automatic Control of Diversion Dams
The application of local automatic control for the releases from a diversion dam that has intermittent river inflow is limited. For this case, it is better to install a remote monitoring...

Monitoring Groundwater Quality in the Southwest
Monitoring groundwater quality near sources of pollution in the southwest commonly involves highly productive alluvial aquifers. Experience in monitoring in such a setting indicates that...

Water Supply and Sewage Disposal: Shanghai, China
This paper describes a joint research effort which took place between the Shanghai Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tsinghua University (Beijing), and the University of Michigan. The...

Irrigation and Groundwater Quality in the South
Impact of irrigation trend, water table fluctuations, crop management, and tillage systems on groundwater quantity and quality of the southeast (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina)...

Geotechnical Construction Control Data Base Package
A data base can be defined as pieces or groups of data stored together in an orderly form such that access to all or any part of the data can be readily accomplished. A computerized data...





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