Canal Model Evaluation and Comparison Criteria
The ASCE Task Committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' was formed to evaluate existing canal unsteady flow models (computer programs) and to...

A New Method for Calculating a Mathematical Expression for Streamflow Recession
An empirical method has been devised to calculate the master recession curve, which is a mathematical expression for streamflow recession during times of negligible direct runoff. The...

Ground Water Modeling Using the Method of Lines (MOL)
The development of robust general purpose numerical algorithms for initial-boundary value ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which use the method of lines (MOL) makes the solution...

Time Scales for Surface-Subsurface Flow Modeling
Traditionally, interactive free surface flow and subsurface flow are analyzed separately, using infiltration rate described by an infiltration formula as the common boundary condition....

Description and Evaluation of Program CANAL
CANAL was developed in 1987 at Utah State University to perform hydrodynamic computer simulations of canal networks. This paper describes the model and offers opinions on the model's...

Description and Evaluation of Program: SNUSM
The Staggered Net Unsteady State Model (SNUSM) was developed in the early 1980's by the United States Bureau of Reclamation under the direction of Bob Gooch and Al Graves....

Description and Evaluation of Program MODIS
MODIS is an implicit hydrodynamic modeling package that has been developed to investigate the hydraulic performance of dynamic controlled irrigation systems. The model's most...

Description and Evaluation of Program: DUFLOW
DUFLOW is a micro-computer software package for simulating one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channel systems. It is designed for simple networks of channels with simple structures....

Description and Evaluation of Program: USM
USM was developed by the USBR for simulating unsteady flow conditions in canals with either manual or automatic gate operation. This paper describes the model and discusses the relative...

Description and Evaluation of Program: CARIMA
The CARIMA code simulates unsteady free-surface flow in simple or multiply connected systems of rivers or canals. The simulation uses the Preissmann implicit finite-difference method for...

Multiobjective Decision Theory ? Decision Support Systems with Embedded Simulation Models
The concepts of multiobjective decision making utilizing embedded computer simulation models and dimensionless scoring functions are described in the context of a decision support system...

Cal Poly Model Canal
The Cal Poly Model Canal (located at the Water Delivery Facility, Irrigation Training and Research Center, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA) was built to accommodate...

Field Application of Transient and Steady-State Canal Models in Thailand
A transient (unsteady) flow model for simulating the hydraulics in irrigation canal networks was developed and tested in Thailand. A steady-state hydraulic model was subsequently developed...

Future Needs for Unsteady Flow Canal Models
The ASCE task committee on 'Irrigation Canal System Hydraulic Modeling' examined a number of the computer programs available for simulating unsteady open-channel...

Rainfall-Runoff Characteristics of Rangitaiki and Whirinaki Watersheds
The Rangitaiki and Whirinaki watersheds in New Zealand have considerably higher storage and infiltration rates than others in New Zealand. The Rangitaiki watershed is flat compared to...

Enhanced Canal System Scheduling Using a PC
The Bureau of Reclamation (the Bureau) and Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) are promoting water conservation through the development of computer software to enhance accounting and...

The NPUSM (Narmada) Model for Modeling Canal Flows
The NPUSM computer program was developed for the analysis of unsteady flows in canals with various types of canal structures to evaluate the Narmada Canal system in Gujarat, India. The...

SRFR?A Model of Surface Irrigation?Version 20
The computer program, SRFR, comprises a mathematical model of flow in furrows, basins, and borders. It is designed for systematic, repeated application in the solution of design and management...

Optimization of Furrow Infiltration Parameters from Advance Times and Advance Rates
Optimal design and management of surface irrigation systems requires detailed knowledge of field-wide infiltration. Evaluating infiltration parameters is difficult due to temporal and...

Forecasting Irrigation Water Supply Using a Computer Model and Remotely Sensed Snow Cover
Improved streamflow forecasting in the Sevier River Basin is one objective of the Sevier River Water Management Study. Short-term forecasts are needed for optimum operations of irrigation...





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