The Influence of the Viscosity on the Progressive Waves
In a stationary atmosphere, the free-surface progressive wave motion in a real fluid of uniform depth is analysed by using Navier-Stokes equation, and its mechanism is described in first-order...

A Turbulence Model for Transverse Mixing in Rivers
A two length-scale turbulence model is developed to simulate transverse mixing prosesses in rivers. The dispersion of the effluent from the MUC (Montreal Urban Community) sewage treatment...

Chaotic Advection in a Shear Layer
The developing (in time) inviscid shear layer, although not yet in its turbulent regime, displays all the characteristics of chaotic advection. The corresponding Lyapunov exponent is strictly...

Computation of Flow Fields Induced by Hydroplant Releases into Lower Lock Approaches
A turbulence-based computational procedure was developed and applied to the prediction of flow fields in navigation installations induced by hydropower releases. The procedure uses a depth-averaged...

On Determination of Turbulence Model Coefficients for Anisotropic Reynolds Stress Closure Model
In this paper, the determination of turbulence model coefficients for anisotropic Reynolds stress model is discussed. The proposed model includes anisotropic Reynolds stress modeling and...

The Moving Contact Line
The flow field around the moving contact line, generated by an impulsive, horizontal motion of a vertical plate, is studied numerically. The two-dimensional, unsteady Navier-Stokes equations,...

Interaction of Viscous Free-Surface Flow with Submerged Structure
The fully-transformed unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically in a time-dependent boundary-fitted coordinate system. In addition, the complete viscous free-surface...

Numerical Modeling of Air Bubble Transport in Spillway Flow Downstream from Aerator
A simple numerical model for simulation of air bubble transport in the flow downstream from an aerator is constructed and compared with laboratory experiments. The model consists of two...

Characteristics of Flow Over the Bucket with Gradually Varied Curvature
The bucket of a high spillway dam or a spillway tunnel is one of the parts that easily to be damaged by cavitation. A new type of bucket curve was suggested with gradually varied curvature...

Perturbation Solution to 3-D Nonlinear Cavity Flow Problems
A 3-D nonlinear problem of fully cavitating flow past an axisymmetric body at a small angle of attack is investigated by the perturbation method. The first three order perturbation equations...

Time-Domain Transmitting Boundary Condition in Fluid-Structure Interaction Studies
One of the major difficulties in the nonlinear analyses of fluid-structure interactions has been the lack of exact expressions for the transmitting boundary in the time domain. Researchers...

Gravity Dam Response Including Interaction Effects
The seismic response of 2D gravity dam-reservoir-foundation including the wave absorption effect along the reservoir bed is analyzed in frequency domain using substructure approach. The...

Dynamic Effect of Sediment on Dam Hydrodynamics
The dam-reservoir-foundation interaction problem has been studied by many investigators. A two dimensional model of compressible porous media is employed to analyze the dynamic response...

Computation of Wind Flow Around a Building
A numerical investigation of wind flow around a three-dimensional building is presented by solving weakly compressible flow equations, together with Smogrinsky's subgrid-scale...

A Compact Nonlinear Solution Method for Two Phase Stefan Problems
Finite element formulations for fluid filling problems with solidification are derived using previously developed unified transformation techniques. The nonlinear formulation for two phase...

Parametric Excitation of Collapsible Latex Tubes
In 1985, Liu and Ding (1989) made an experiment of collapsible tubes containing a pulsatile flow. A latex tube is sealed up in a plexiglass chamber. If the transmural pressure (TP) of...

Myocardial Wall Stress: A Clinician's View
Definition of left ventricular (LV) wall stress is a parameter which has a valid application in clinical medicine. This paper discusses this application as it pertains to various cardiac...

Assessment of Left Ventricular Flow Dynamics Using the Finite Analytic Method: Potential for Clinical Applications
Left ventricular (LV) function is traditionally assessed from chamber wall motion, rheological properties of the myocardium, and invasive measurements of chamber pressure. In order to...

Effect of Stenotic Geometry on Blood Flow Behavior
The dynamic characteristics of the blood flow is affected by the area reduction of stenosis. To estimate the severity of stenosis, the information about the geometry should also be accounted....

Simulation of Blood-Heart Interaction: Validation of Approach
An existing pressure correction method to model unsteady flow with arbitrarily moving boundaries has been adapted to simulate the interaction of three-dimensional blood flow with a mitral...





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