Evaluation of Accident Countermeasure Viability
Traffic and safety engineers are faced with the on-going challenge of maintaining acceptable levels of safety on the roads and streets under their jurisdictions. Generally, this challenge...

On-Line Color Graphics for Demand-Responsive Scheduling
Scheduling and dispatching a fleet of vehicles to respond to ongoing requests for transportation to and from various points in an urban area can be a complex proposition. Human controllers...

Regional Planning Models Used in Subarea Windows
The typical regional travel-forecasting model has historically been confined to use on a mainframe computer. In an effort to reduce costs and allow computer hardware options, a three-tiered...

Site Impact of New Developments
Traffic studies which relate to specific development projects and their impacts are becoming a major part of transportation planning practice. Rapid suburbanization of development has...

Long Range Element Update in Duluth, Minnesota
This paper discusses the use of microcomputer transportation planning software packages to update the Long Range Element of the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan. Two...

Application of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Micro-Computer Based Quick Response System (QRS) Software to the Analysis of a 200 and 400 Acre Comprehensive Plan Change From Residential to High Tech Land-Use
The purpose of this study was to identify major changes in traffic volumes and generally the transportation implications caused by changing the Comprehensive Plan on a large area in the...

Microcomputer Site Models for Project Analysis
In 1984, the Genesee Transportation Council, the MPO for the Rochester New York area, undertook a study with the City of Rochester Bureau Of Planning and Zoning to investigate how microcomputers...

Use of a Simplified Urban Traffic Forecasting Procedure for Project Analysis
This paper presents New York State Department of Transportation's experience with the calibration and testing of a simplified procedure for estimating urban traffic at the...

Traffic Planning Using Interactive Color Graphics
This paper describes the MULATM microcomputer traffic planning model, as an example of the possible uses for microcomputers in transportation planning. These uses include interactive input/output,...

Database Systems in Transit Management
This paper describes the use of microcomputer database managers by transit operators. The findings are based on a survey of transit operations of various sizes in the southwest U. S. in...

Safety as a Prime Consideration
Designs in the 1980's have a multitude of parameters from environmental, noise, aesthetics, planners, community groups, political influence and last but not least, legal/liability...

Design Standards and Public Liability
For years in California, a defense to a negligence action was contributory negligence. This was replaced in 1975 by comparative negligence, which the paper discusses. It then goes on to...

The Role of the Resident Engineer
These proceedings include the papers presented at the specialty conference on resident engineers. The papers address different perceptions of the definition, qualifications, duties, responsibilities,...

Reducing Failures of Engineered Facilities
One of the most serious problems of modern professional practice is the collapse or malfunction of an engineered facility. The tragic consequences of this problem are all too familiar...

Making Project Control Systems Work
This publication contains four papers that offer both theoretical and practical advice on how to make control systems more effective on design and construction projects. The use of automated...

Stormwater Detention Outlet Control Structures
The Hydraulics Division's Task Committee for the Design of Stormwater Detention Outlet Control Structures was formed to review and report on the state-of-the-art of stormwater...

Rail Planning�Texas Style
The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Authority has a 25 year plan to build a 147 mile rail network�all without federal funds. When DART hits its 2010 target date for completing the rail...

Greater Compatibility in Highway Safety
There is a pressing need to improve communication, cooperation, and coordination among the disciplines involved in highway safety. The challenge is to improve, if not perfect, the exchange...

EMS & Highway Safety: Together We Can Save a Life
The various elements of the highway safety program share several common goals and objectives. Timely achievement of these goals will require a cooperative and, at times, interdependent...

Effective Communications in Highway Safety Programs
The problem of creating a safe environment for the users of our highway system has been with us almost since the invention of the motor vehicle. Generally accepted throughout the field...





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